Clinic Gustave Roussy in Villejuif

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Leading Cancer Centre in Europe, Gustave Roussy is ranked #5 world's best oncology hospital according to Newsweek magazine and the first one outside the United States. The institute treats patients with all types of cancer at any age and is expert in the treatment of rare and complex tumours. We place innovation at the heart of a human, scientific and technological revolution in the fight against cancer. Our physicians and researchers respond to a continuing challenge: deliver patients the fruits of the most recent advances. They devote their energies and their skills to this great challenge: to speed up progress in order to expand the limits of knowledge and offer patients continuing improvements in the specificity of their treatment.

Quality Management System (QMS)

Thoracic surgery

  • Atypical resections of the lung — ≈ $4,454
  • Bilobectomy — ≈ $4,769
  • Bronchoplastic surgery — $0
  • Esophageal dilation — ≈ $269
  • Esophageal stenting — ≈ $1,390
  • Esophagocoloplasty — ≈ $1,190
  • Extrapleural pneumonectomy (EPP) — ≈ $8,782
  • Lobectomy — ≈ $21,452
  • Mediastinal cancer surgery — ≈ $6,866
  • Pancoast tumor surgery — ≈ $1,695
  • Pneumonectomy — ≈ $14,295
  • Removal of a malignant tumor of the chest wall — ≈ $6,680
  • Rib cancer surgical treatment — ≈ $4,111
  • Sleeve lobectomy — ≈ $8,892
  • Surgery for lung cancer — ≈ $3,133
  • Thoracoscopic lung resection — ≈ $4,398
  • Thymectomy — ≈ $4,346
  • Wedge resection — ≈ $16,133


  • Brain biopsy — ≈ $4,085
  • Brain tumors surgery — ≈ $10,974
  • Craniotomy — ≈ $21,192
  • Endoscopic pituitary surgery — ≈ $14,528
  • Surgery for an acoustic neuroma — ≈ $8,000


  • Abdominoperineal resection (APR) — ≈ $20,876
  • Adrenalectomy — ≈ $13,090
  • Bilateral adnexectomy — ≈ $7,880
  • Brachytherapy — $0
  • Breast reconstruction after mastectomy — ≈ $12,637
  • Cervical lymphadenectomy — ≈ $14,736
  • Chemotherapy for bladder cancer — $0
  • Chemotherapy for bone cancer — $0
  • Chemotherapy for brain cancer — $0
  • Chemotherapy for colorectal cancer — $0
  • Chemotherapy for endometrial cancer — $0
  • Chemotherapy for eye cancer — $0
  • Chemotherapy for gallbladder cancer — $0
  • Chemotherapy for head and neck cancer — $0
  • Chemotherapy for kidney cancer — $0
  • Chemotherapy for leukemia — $0
  • Chemotherapy for liver cancer — $0
  • Chemotherapy for lung cancer — $0
  • Chemotherapy for lymphoma — $0
  • Chemotherapy for melanoma — $0
  • Chemotherapy for myeloma — $0
  • Chemotherapy for neuroblastoma — $0
  • Chemotherapy for neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) — $0
  • Chemotherapy for non-melanoma skin cancer — $0
  • Chemotherapy for ovarian cancer — $0
  • Chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer — $0
  • Chemotherapy for prostate cancer — $0
  • Chemotherapy for retinoblastoma — $0
  • Chemotherapy for soft tissue sarcoma — $0
  • Chemotherapy for stomach cancer — $0
  • Chemotherapy for testicular cancer — $0
  • Chemotherapy for vaginal cancer — $0
  • Childhood vascular tumor treatment — ≈ $1,044
  • Cholecystectomy — ≈ $4,699
  • Colon polypectomy — ≈ $2,043
  • Colorectal endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) — ≈ $3,844
  • Conization — ≈ $3,123
  • Cryotherapy for skin lesions — ≈ $2,182
  • Cystectomy + Bladder reconstruction — ≈ $12,900
  • Cystoprostatectomy — ≈ $5,107
  • Debulking cytoreductive surgery — ≈ $13,290
  • Distal gastric resection — ≈ $9,827
  • Distal pancreatectomy — ≈ $16,674
  • Double preventive mastectomy — ≈ $14,058
  • Duodenectomy — ≈ $1,896
  • Endometriosis surgery — ≈ $4,247
  • Esophagogastrectomy — ≈ $92,806
  • Extended cholecystectomy — ≈ $33,564
  • External beam radiotherapy (EBRT) — $0
  • Floor of mouth cancer resection — ≈ $2,074
  • Gastric endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) — ≈ $4,760
  • Hartmann's operation — ≈ $4,439
  • Hemicolectomy — ≈ $15,489
  • Hemiglossectomy — ≈ $4,679
  • Hormone therapy for breast cancer — $0
  • Hormone therapy for ovarian cancer — $0
  • Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) — ≈ $30,428
  • Hysteroscopic polypectomy — ≈ $2,880
  • Intersphincteric resection (ISR) — ≈ $2,512
  • Interstitial chemotherapy for brain tumors — $0
  • Jejunostomy — ≈ $4,095
  • Laparascopic myomectomy — ≈ $5,989
  • Laparoscopic adnexectomy — ≈ $4,571
  • Laparoscopic cholecystectomy — ≈ $5,595
  • Laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy — ≈ $5,798
  • Laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy (LAVH) — ≈ $7,121
  • Laparoscopy-assisted supracervical hysterectomy (LASH) — ≈ $3,831
  • Laproscopic total gastrectomy — ≈ $18,024
  • Laser therapy for skin lesions — ≈ $2,743
  • Lip resection — ≈ $10,664
  • Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) — ≈ $2,104
  • Low anterior resection (LAR) — ≈ $11,241
  • Lumpectomy — ≈ $4,566
  • Major liver resection — ≈ $18,907
  • Mandibular resection — ≈ $21,685
  • Mandibular resection + Reconstruction — ≈ $16,584
  • Melanoma surgical removal — ≈ $12,161
  • Minor liver resection — ≈ $9,833
  • Mohs surgery — ≈ $4,462
  • Myomectomy — ≈ $4,784
  • Needle biopsy — ≈ $1,205
  • Nephroureterectomy — ≈ $14,162
  • Nipple and areola reconstruction — ≈ $3,937
  • Non-anatomic liver resection (NAR) — ≈ $28,240
  • Omentectomy — ≈ $1,205
  • Open hysterectomy — ≈ $4,846
  • Oral cancer surgery — ≈ $19,533
  • Orchiectomy — ≈ $4,691
  • Ovarian transposition — ≈ $946
  • Pancreaticoduodenectomy — ≈ $30,100
  • Parotidectomy — ≈ $4,754
  • Partial cystectomy — ≈ $9,543
  • Partial mastectomy — ≈ $6,241
  • Partial penectomy — ≈ $7,347
  • Partial vulvectomy — ≈ $4,620
  • Pelvic bone resection — ≈ $6,354
  • Proctocolectomy — ≈ $8,035
  • Proximal gastric resection — ≈ $9,949
  • Radical cystectomy — ≈ $25,998
  • Radical mastectomy — ≈ $14,122
  • Radical nephrectomy — ≈ $16,358
  • Radical nephrectomy + Inferior vena cava (IVC) thrombectomy — ≈ $7,233
  • Radical prostatectomy — ≈ $15,160
  • Radical trachelectomy — ≈ $4,933
  • Radical vulvectomy — ≈ $7,173
  • Rectum anterior resection — ≈ $17,527
  • Removal of benign skin lesions — ≈ $1,718
  • Retroperitoneal tumor resection — ≈ $16,139
  • Salpingectomy — ≈ $3,303
  • Sigmoidectomy — ≈ $8,835
  • Simple mastectomy — ≈ $9,829
  • Skin cancer surgery — ≈ $1,985
  • Small bowel resection — ≈ $14,905
  • Soft tissue tumor removal — ≈ $8,763
  • Stereotactic radiation therapy (SRT) — $0
  • Subcutaneous mastectomy — ≈ $4,183
  • Submandibular gland resection — ≈ $4,121
  • Subtotal gastrectomy — ≈ $11,836
  • Surgery for bone cancer — ≈ $10,925
  • Surgical breast biopsy — ≈ $3,106
  • TRAM flap breast reconstruction — ≈ $26,434
  • Total colectomy — ≈ $16,341
  • Total esophagectomy — ≈ $40,138
  • Total gastrectomy — ≈ $35,634
  • Total glossectomy — ≈ $6,988
  • Total glossectomy + Reconstruction — $0
  • Total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) — ≈ $5,648
  • Total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) + Bilateral adnexectomy — ≈ $7,305
  • Total pancreatectomy — ≈ $10,213
  • Total parietal peritonectomy — $0
  • Total penectomy — ≈ $7,090
  • Total skin electron therapy (TSET) — $0
  • Transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM) — ≈ $1,107
  • Transurethral incision of the prostate (TUIP) — ≈ $3,014
  • Transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TURBT) — ≈ $4,967
  • Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) — ≈ $7,288
  • Tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) therapy — $0
  • Ureteral cancer surgery — $0
  • Urethral cancer surgery — ≈ $779
  • Vacuum-assisted breast biopsy — ≈ $1,368
  • Vaginal hysterectomy — ≈ $7,201
  • Vaginectomy — ≈ $5,306

Spine surgery

  • Spine biopsy — ≈ $3,494
  • Spine tumor surgery — ≈ $17,792
  • Total en bloc spondylectomy (TES) — ≈ $9,834

Prices for selected procedures, total
Thoracic surgery
Price, USD
≈ $4,454
≈ $4,769
by request
≈ $269
≈ $1,390
≈ $1,190
≈ $8,782
≈ $21,452
≈ $6,866
≈ $1,695
≈ $14,295
≈ $6,680
≈ $4,111
≈ $8,892
≈ $3,133
≈ $4,398
≈ $4,346
≈ $16,133
Price, USD
≈ $4,085
≈ $10,974
≈ $21,192
≈ $14,528
≈ $8,000
Price, USD
≈ $20,876
≈ $13,090
≈ $7,880
by request
≈ $12,637
≈ $14,736
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
≈ $1,044
≈ $4,699
≈ $2,043
≈ $3,844
≈ $3,123
≈ $2,182
≈ $12,900
≈ $5,107
≈ $13,290
≈ $9,827
≈ $16,674
≈ $14,058
≈ $1,896
≈ $4,247
≈ $92,806
≈ $33,564
by request
≈ $2,074
≈ $4,760
≈ $4,439
≈ $15,489
≈ $4,679
by request
by request
≈ $30,428
≈ $2,880
≈ $2,512
by request
≈ $4,095
≈ $5,989
≈ $4,571
≈ $5,595
≈ $5,798
≈ $7,121
≈ $3,831
≈ $18,024
≈ $2,743
≈ $10,664
≈ $2,104
≈ $11,241
≈ $4,566
≈ $18,907
≈ $21,685
≈ $16,584
≈ $12,161
≈ $9,833
≈ $4,462
≈ $4,784
≈ $1,205
≈ $14,162
≈ $3,937
≈ $28,240
≈ $1,205
≈ $4,846
≈ $19,533
≈ $4,691
≈ $946
≈ $30,100
≈ $4,754
≈ $9,543
≈ $6,241
≈ $7,347
≈ $4,620
≈ $6,354
≈ $8,035
≈ $9,949
≈ $25,998
≈ $14,122
≈ $16,358
≈ $7,233
≈ $15,160
≈ $4,933
≈ $7,173
≈ $17,527
≈ $1,718
≈ $16,139
≈ $3,303
≈ $8,835
≈ $9,829
≈ $1,985
≈ $14,905
≈ $8,763
by request
≈ $4,183
≈ $4,121
≈ $11,836
≈ $10,925
≈ $3,106
≈ $26,434
≈ $16,341
≈ $40,138
≈ $35,634
≈ $6,988
by request
≈ $5,648
≈ $7,305
≈ $10,213
by request
≈ $7,090
by request
≈ $1,107
≈ $3,014
≈ $4,967
≈ $7,288
by request
by request
≈ $779
≈ $1,368
≈ $7,201
≈ $5,306
Spine surgery
Price, USD
≈ $3,494
≈ $17,792
≈ $9,834
Overall rating: 5
September 16, 2022
The best cancer hospital and research center in France. Very good treatment here. The doctors and teams are so nice and friendly. The patient’s room is nice and comfortable with very good services and good food, can choose the food from their menu. I had a very pleasant stay here.
Overall rating: 1
July 05, 2023
We are extremly dissapointed about the comunication with internațional department for patients We are trying for about a month to have an appointment for a little boy with brain tumor. We sent a lot of documents but received no answer. They are saying that the documents are not in the sistem. We are paying everything they ask just for one appointment for a chance to live. We just feel discriminated for not speakig French. Everyone deserves a chance to live.
Overall rating: 3
July 14, 2023
Do you think that it’s fair to make a patient wait in the hall from 9am to 4pm to enter his room that was already reserved 21 days before in order to proceed with his chemotherapy!!!!This is not acceptable!! The patient is already ill, plus they are making him wait for more than 6 hours on a chair in the hall!!! So unprofessional and missorganized!!!!!
114, rue Edouard-Vaillant Villejuif, France
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Flight Tickets
One way
1 adult
No children
Tue, 04/23
Direct flight $0.00
Indirect flight $0.00
Tue, 04/30
Direct flight $0.00
Indirect flight $0.00
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