Clinic Wooridul Spine Hospital in Seoul

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Leading the global spine paradigm in ‘endoscopic disc surgery’!In the early 1990s, Wooridul Spine Hospital was established a new ‘endoscopic laser spine treatment’combining laser with the existing endoscopic procedures, and opened the new era of minimal-incision spine surgery.For 40 years, we have devoted ourselves only to the field of spine treatment,researching and developing various methods of minimal-incision spinal treatments, including endoscopic disc surgery.Today, Wooridul Spine Hospital became a world-class spine hospital and is leading the global paradigmof the spine treatment by putting ‘endoscopic disc surgery’ in the category of standard surgery.

Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare

Cardiac surgery

  • Aortic valve replacement (AVR) — ≈ $57,373
  • Bio-prosthetic valve replacement — ≈ $54,195
  • Double valve repair — ≈ $45,968
  • Double valve replacement — ≈ $55,687
  • Heart valve repair — ≈ $55,134
  • Heart valve replacement — ≈ $46,721
  • Mechanical valve replacement — ≈ $76,026
  • Mitral valve replacement (MVR) — ≈ $45,426
  • Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) — ≈ $78,715
  • Transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement (PVR) — ≈ $57,978
  • Tricuspid valve replacement (TVR) — ≈ $55,757


  • Brachial plexus surgery — ≈ $18,984
  • Endoscopic rhizotomy — ≈ $20,114
  • Epidural block — ≈ $1,874
  • Facet joint injection — ≈ $2,055
  • Glycerol rhizotomy — ≈ $8,930
  • Intrathecal pain pump — ≈ $8,795
  • Radiofrequency rhizotomy — ≈ $7,264
  • Selective dorsal rhizotomy — ≈ $25,376
  • Surgical neurolysis — ≈ $5,111


  • Chemotherapy for bone cancer — $0
  • Chemotherapy for soft tissue sarcoma — $0
  • Cord blood stem cell transplantation — $0
  • CyberKnife radiosurgery — $0
  • Hematopoietic stem cell harvest — $0
  • Splenectomy — ≈ $16,356
  • Stem cell transplant (peripheral blood) — $0

Spine surgery

  • Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) — ≈ $17,410
  • Anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) — ≈ $20,788
  • Atlantoaxial fixation — ≈ $11,238
  • Cervical fusion — ≈ $16,051
  • Cervical laminectomy — ≈ $17,410
  • Corpectomy + Spinal stabilisation — ≈ $26,837
  • Device for intervertebral assisted motion (DIAM) — $0
  • Discectomy — ≈ $18,597
  • Extreme lateral interbody fusion (XLIF) — $0
  • Foraminotomy — ≈ $15,322
  • Instrumented spine stabilization — ≈ $33,633
  • Interspinous fixation with implant — ≈ $24,291
  • Kyphoplasty — ≈ $17,117
  • Laminectomy — ≈ $18,597
  • Laminoplasty — ≈ $25,229
  • Lateral access lumbar fusion — $0
  • Lumbar fixation — ≈ $19,733
  • Lumbar laminectomy — ≈ $15,431
  • Lumbosacral plexus surgery — ≈ $40,653
  • Microdiscectomy — ≈ $16,744
  • Microscopic decompression laminectomy — ≈ $9,160
  • Microsurgical extraforaminal decompression — ≈ $15,142
  • Minimally invasive cervical laminoforaminotomy — $0
  • Minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) — ≈ $28,998
  • Nucleoplasty — ≈ $3,561
  • Occipitocervical fusion surgery — ≈ $35,152
  • Percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy (PELD) — ≈ $21,592
  • Percutaneous pedicle screw fixation — ≈ $12,425
  • Posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) — ≈ $16,619
  • Spinal cord herniation surgery — $0
  • Spinal deformity correction — ≈ $42,394
  • Spinal synovial cyst removal — ≈ $559
  • Spine biopsy — ≈ $9,142
  • Spine dynamic stabilization — ≈ $16,623
  • Spine fractures surgical treatment — ≈ $27,140
  • Spine tumor surgery — ≈ $15,036
  • Surgery for spondylolisthesis — ≈ $63,799
  • Surgical spine procedures — ≈ $35,694
  • Tailbone removal — $0
  • Thoracic discectomy — ≈ $16,111
  • Thoracic laminectomy — ≈ $17,120
  • Thoracic spine fixation — ≈ $25,225
  • Total disc replacement (TDR) — ≈ $32,359
  • Total en bloc spondylectomy (TES) — ≈ $43,991
  • Transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) — ≈ $28,720
  • Vertebroplasty — ≈ $13,458

Orthopedic surgery

  • Achilles tendon repair surgery — ≈ $8,547
  • Ankle arthrodesis — ≈ $13,990
  • Ankle fracture surgery — ≈ $10,023
  • Ankle ligament reconstruction surgery — ≈ $9,101
  • Ankle osteophyte removal — ≈ $4,045
  • Ankle osteotomy — ≈ $12,888
  • Arthrocentesis — ≈ $1,049
  • Arthroscopic capsular release of the ankle joint — ≈ $5,768
  • Carpal tunnel surgery — ≈ $3,467
  • Claw toe surgery — ≈ $5,708
  • Clubfoot surgical treatment — ≈ $6,461
  • Complex foot surgery — ≈ $13,638
  • De Quervain's tendon release — ≈ $3,790
  • Delayed osteosynthesis — ≈ $18,640
  • Dupuytren's contracture surgery — ≈ $5,428
  • External fixation — ≈ $3,079
  • Finger reconstruction — ≈ $10,402
  • First metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis — ≈ $7,950
  • Foot and ankle arthroscopy — ≈ $9,609
  • Foot and ankle tendon surgery — ≈ $6,857
  • Foot arthrodesis — ≈ $11,133
  • Foot deformity correction — ≈ $9,669
  • Foot drop surgery — ≈ $13,495
  • Foot ganglion cyst removal — ≈ $4,698
  • Forearm fracture surgery — ≈ $6,190
  • Guyon's canal release — ≈ $4,796
  • Haglund's deformity surgery — ≈ $7,686
  • Hallux rigidus surgery — ≈ $5,306
  • Hallux valgus surgery — ≈ $7,122
  • Hammer toe surgery — ≈ $4,539
  • Hand ganglion cyst removal — ≈ $3,741
  • Hand rejuvenation with structural fat grafting — ≈ $16,467
  • Hand surgery — ≈ $11,576
  • Hand tendon surgery — ≈ $4,391
  • Heel bursectomy — ≈ $6,877
  • Hindfoot fracture surgery — ≈ $13,974
  • Interphalangeal joint arthrodesis — ≈ $9,703
  • Intramedullary nailing — ≈ $9,341
  • Joint dislocation reduction — ≈ $10,078
  • Kidner procedure — ≈ $3,686
  • Lapidus arthrodesis — ≈ $13,021
  • Mallet finger surgery — ≈ $3,794
  • Mallet toe surgery — ≈ $5,861
  • Morton’s neuroma surgery — ≈ $4,984
  • Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) — ≈ $8,705
  • Osteosynthesis — ≈ $11,139
  • Percutaneous pinning — ≈ $5,034
  • Plantar fasciitis surgery — ≈ $5,878
  • Removal of external fixator — ≈ $2,015
  • Removal of osteosynthetic material — $0
  • Revision Achilles tendon reconstruction — ≈ $20,202
  • Scaphoid pseudarthrosis reconstruction — ≈ $9,383
  • Sternal fracture treatment — ≈ $10,882
  • Surgical treatment of non-unions — ≈ $5,711
  • Tailor's bunion surgery — ≈ $8,678
  • Tarsal coalition surgery — $0
  • Tarsal tunnel surgery — ≈ $5,889
  • Toe joint arthroscopy — ≈ $8,371
  • Toe shortening surgery — ≈ $4,713
  • Trapeziectomy — ≈ $7,674
  • Trigger finger release — ≈ $3,000
  • Weil osteotomy surgery — ≈ $6,390
  • Wrist arthroscopy — ≈ $8,105
  • Wrist fracture surgery — ≈ $7,737
  • Wrist ligament repair — ≈ $10,683
  • Wrist synovectomy — ≈ $1,810

Prices for selected procedures, total
Cardiac surgery
Price, USD
≈ $57,373
≈ $54,195
≈ $45,968
≈ $55,687
≈ $55,134
≈ $46,721
≈ $76,026
≈ $45,426
≈ $78,715
≈ $57,978
≈ $55,757
Price, USD
≈ $18,984
≈ $20,114
≈ $1,874
≈ $2,055
≈ $8,930
≈ $8,795
≈ $7,264
≈ $25,376
≈ $5,111
Price, USD
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
≈ $16,356
by request
Spine surgery
Price, USD
≈ $17,410
≈ $20,788
≈ $11,238
≈ $16,051
≈ $17,410
≈ $26,837
by request
≈ $18,597
by request
≈ $15,322
≈ $33,633
≈ $24,291
≈ $17,117
≈ $18,597
≈ $25,229
by request
≈ $19,733
≈ $15,431
≈ $40,653
≈ $16,744
≈ $9,160
≈ $15,142
by request
≈ $28,998
≈ $3,561
≈ $35,152
≈ $21,592
≈ $12,425
≈ $16,619
by request
≈ $42,394
≈ $559
≈ $9,142
≈ $16,623
≈ $27,140
≈ $15,036
≈ $63,799
≈ $35,694
by request
≈ $16,111
≈ $17,120
≈ $25,225
≈ $32,359
≈ $43,991
≈ $28,720
≈ $13,458
Orthopedic surgery
Price, USD
≈ $8,547
≈ $13,990
≈ $10,023
≈ $9,101
≈ $4,045
≈ $12,888
≈ $1,049
≈ $5,768
≈ $3,467
≈ $5,708
≈ $6,461
≈ $13,638
≈ $3,790
≈ $18,640
≈ $5,428
≈ $3,079
≈ $10,402
≈ $7,950
≈ $9,609
≈ $6,857
≈ $11,133
≈ $9,669
≈ $13,495
≈ $4,698
≈ $6,190
≈ $4,796
≈ $7,686
≈ $5,306
≈ $7,122
≈ $4,539
≈ $3,741
≈ $16,467
≈ $11,576
≈ $4,391
≈ $6,877
≈ $13,974
≈ $9,703
≈ $9,341
≈ $10,078
≈ $3,686
≈ $13,021
≈ $3,794
≈ $5,861
≈ $4,984
≈ $8,705
≈ $11,139
≈ $5,034
≈ $5,878
≈ $2,015
by request
≈ $20,202
≈ $9,383
≈ $10,882
≈ $5,711
≈ $8,678
by request
≈ $5,889
≈ $8,371
≈ $4,713
≈ $7,674
≈ $3,000
≈ $6,390
≈ $8,105
≈ $7,737
≈ $10,683
≈ $1,810
Overall rating: 5
November 24, 2020
I am Japanese. I had spinal canal surgery at this hospital in June 2019. The result is very good and currently I am enjoying golf. The technology of this hospital is safe, reliable and I am satisfying. Special thanks for Dr. Sang Ho Lee.
Overall rating: 5
November 24, 2020
I had the opportunity to visit Wooridul like many international spine surgeons and I had the privilege to be guided by the founder, medical director and chief of service, Prof. Sang Ho Lee, who is an internationally recognised expert and pioneer in his field. Wooridul is an impressive place and that not so much for its perfect location in Gangnam or the beautiful setup or the incredibly kind staff. The real asset is a superb and very harmonious team of spine experts who really understand complex spine problems and who will do whatever it takes to address these problems in the least aggressive way possible. While I am not a fan of abusing the term "minimally invasive" for advertisement purposes (as is the case all over the world), Wooridul really lives this idea. It is therefore not by chance, that this institution has a global reputation and that experts from all over the world travel there to learn from Prof. Sang Ho Lee and the expert surgeons he has assembled. I learned a lot during my short visit and I hope to be back as soon as travel is possible again, Kamsa haminda, SangHo!
Overall rating: 5
November 29, 2020
I have had the opportunity to visit Wooridul Spine Hospital for three times. I will never forget the hospitality and the effort of Dr. Sang Ho Lee and the Wooridul team at my first visit to the center for endoscopic surgery training. Dr. Gun Choi and Dr. Chanshik Shim were my initial trainers. I am so glad to have had the chance to apply all I had learned there at my own country. One of the most memorable moments of my first visit was my assistance at the operating theatre upon the kind invitation of Professor Dr. Sang Ho Lee. Later on, Wooridul Center welcomed the junior members of our team and trained them as well, as expected from a distinguished and well established institution with a high training quality. Wooridul Spine Hospital, will always be a pioneering and successful center of excellence, deserving and meeting its motto “less is more” under the leadership of Dr. Sang Ho Lee. With our best regards from Turkey.
445 Hakdong-ro, Gangnam-gu Seoul, South Korea
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Tue, 04/23
Direct flight $0.00
Indirect flight $0.00
Tue, 04/30
Direct flight $0.00
Indirect flight $0.00
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