Clinic Dobrobut Clinical Center of Oncology in Kyiv

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In 2016, the Dobrobut-Oncology Clinical Center for the diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases was opened in the Dobrobut Medical Network. The Dobrobut-Oncology Clinical Center is a team of professionals dedicated to providing a strategically correct approach to the diagnosis and treatment of a patient in such a difficult situation.

Quality management systems;

Thoracic surgery

  • Windpipe cancer surgery — ≈ $1,417

Vascular surgery

  • Chemodectoma surgery — ≈ $2,198
  • Port-a-cath placement — $164


  • Brachial plexus surgery — ≈ $1,421


  • Abdominoperineal resection (APR) — ≈ $1,301
  • Axillary lymphadenectomy — $431
  • Bilateral adnexectomy — ≈ $694
  • Breast reconstruction after mastectomy — ≈ $1,563
  • Cervical lymphadenectomy — ≈ $1,173
  • Chemotherapy for head and neck cancer — $0
  • Colon polypectomy — ≈ $238
  • Colorectal endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) — ≈ $376
  • Conization — ≈ $103
  • Cordectomy — ≈ $293
  • Cryotherapy for skin lesions — ≈ $213
  • Cystectomy + Bladder reconstruction — ≈ $1,287
  • Cystoprostatectomy — ≈ $1,671
  • Debulking cytoreductive surgery — ≈ $1,756
  • Distal gastric resection — ≈ $762
  • Distal pancreatectomy — $1,007-1,726
  • Double preventive mastectomy — ≈ $840
  • Duodenectomy — ≈ $717
  • Endolaryngeal surgery — ≈ $688
  • Endometriosis surgery — ≈ $715
  • Floor of mouth cancer resection — ≈ $513
  • Gastric endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) — ≈ $279
  • Hartmann's operation — ≈ $1,240
  • Hemicolectomy — $676-1,000
  • Hemiglossectomy — ≈ $524
  • Hemilaryngectomy — ≈ $840
  • Hemithyroidectomy — $328
  • Hysteroscopic polypectomy — ≈ $499
  • Inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy — ≈ $654
  • Intersphincteric resection (ISR) — ≈ $783
  • Jejunostomy — ≈ $375
  • Laparascopic myomectomy — ≈ $1,115
  • Laparoscopic adnexectomy — ≈ $659
  • Laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy — ≈ $695
  • Laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy (LAVH) — ≈ $861
  • Laparoscopy-assisted supracervical hysterectomy (LASH) — ≈ $818
  • Laproscopic total gastrectomy — ≈ $1,386
  • Laser therapy for skin lesions — ≈ $230
  • Lip resection — ≈ $657
  • Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) — ≈ $188
  • Low anterior resection (LAR) — ≈ $1,001
  • Lumpectomy — $244
  • Major liver resection — $920-1,726
  • Mandibular resection — ≈ $1,868
  • Mandibular resection + Reconstruction — ≈ $1,524
  • Mediastinal lymphadenectomy — ≈ $437
  • Melanoma surgical removal — ≈ $679
  • Minor liver resection — $920-1,726
  • Mohs surgery — ≈ $301
  • Myomectomy — ≈ $560
  • Nasal cavity cancer surgery — ≈ $1,338
  • Needle biopsy — ≈ $86
  • Nephroureterectomy — ≈ $1,146
  • Nipple and areola reconstruction — ≈ $350
  • Non-anatomic liver resection (NAR) — ≈ $2,597
  • Omentectomy — ≈ $567
  • Open hysterectomy — ≈ $1,554
  • Oral cancer surgery — ≈ $1,817
  • Orchiectomy — $1,233-1,506
  • Ovarian transposition — ≈ $295
  • Pancreaticoduodenectomy — ≈ $3,108
  • Paranasal sinus cancer surgery — $863
  • Parathyroidectomy — ≈ $680
  • Parotidectomy — ≈ $590
  • Partial cystectomy — $570-791
  • Partial mastectomy — $349
  • Partial penectomy — ≈ $561
  • Partial vulvectomy — ≈ $472
  • Pelvic lymphadenectomy — $316-475
  • Pharyngeal cancer surgery — ≈ $757
  • Proctocolectomy — ≈ $2,259
  • Proximal gastric resection — $678-997
  • Radical cystectomy — $1,265
  • Radical mastectomy — $390
  • Radical mastectomy, Breast reconstruction after mastectomy — from $461
  • Radical nephrectomy — $1,740-2,056
  • Radical nephrectomy + Inferior vena cava (IVC) thrombectomy — ≈ $1,952
  • Radical prostatectomy — $1,424-2,373
  • Radical trachelectomy — ≈ $1,036
  • Radical vulvectomy — ≈ $960
  • Rectum anterior resection — $684-805
  • Removal of benign skin lesions — $121
  • Retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy — ≈ $1,179
  • Retroperitoneal tumor resection — $863-1,395
  • Salpingectomy — ≈ $616
  • Sentinel node biopsy — ≈ $707
  • Sigmoidectomy — ≈ $1,101
  • Simple mastectomy — ≈ $805
  • Skin cancer surgery — $273-374
  • Small bowel resection — $433
  • Subcutaneous mastectomy — ≈ $884
  • Submandibular gland resection — ≈ $453
  • Subtotal gastrectomy — ≈ $829
  • Subtotal thyroidectomy — ≈ $690
  • Surgical breast biopsy — ≈ $324
  • TRAM flap breast reconstruction — ≈ $2,512
  • Total colectomy — $533-559
  • Total gastrectomy — $915
  • Total glossectomy — ≈ $796
  • Total glossectomy + Reconstruction — $0
  • Total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) — ≈ $1,739
  • Total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) + Bilateral adnexectomy — $559-898
  • Total laryngectomy — $1,117
  • Total pancreatectomy — ≈ $1,397
  • Total parietal peritonectomy — $0
  • Total penectomy — from $570
  • Total thyroidectomy — $544
  • Transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM) — $399
  • Transurethral incision of the prostate (TUIP) — ≈ $633
  • Transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TURBT) — $443-886
  • Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) — $570
  • Ureteral cancer surgery — $0
  • Urethral cancer surgery — ≈ $540
  • Vacuum-assisted breast biopsy — ≈ $590
  • Vaginal hysterectomy — ≈ $921
  • Vaginectomy — ≈ $565

Spine surgery

  • Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) — ≈ $808
  • Anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) — ≈ $1,524
  • Atlantoaxial fixation — ≈ $864
  • Cervical fusion — ≈ $822
  • Cervical laminectomy — ≈ $575
  • Corpectomy + Spinal stabilisation — ≈ $1,601
  • Device for intervertebral assisted motion (DIAM) — $0
  • Discectomy — ≈ $1,436
  • Foraminotomy — ≈ $955
  • Instrumented spine stabilization — ≈ $1,180
  • Interspinous fixation with implant — ≈ $1,233
  • Laminectomy — ≈ $809
  • Laminoplasty — ≈ $1,670
  • Lateral access lumbar fusion — $0
  • Lumbar fixation — ≈ $1,465
  • Lumbar laminectomy — ≈ $657
  • Lumbosacral plexus surgery — ≈ $2,889
  • Occipitocervical fusion surgery — ≈ $1,294
  • Percutaneous pedicle screw fixation — ≈ $740
  • Posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) — ≈ $1,227
  • Spinal cord herniation surgery — $0
  • Spinal synovial cyst removal — ≈ $225
  • Spine biopsy — ≈ $503
  • Spine dynamic stabilization — ≈ $1,163
  • Spine dynamic stabilization, Spine tumor surgery — $1,487
  • Spine dynamic stabilization, Spine tumor surgery — $1,487
  • Spine tumor surgery — ≈ $1,989
  • Surgical spine procedures — ≈ $2,488
  • Tailbone removal — $0
  • Thoracic discectomy — ≈ $805
  • Thoracic laminectomy — ≈ $657
  • Thoracic spine fixation — ≈ $1,654
  • Total en bloc spondylectomy (TES) — ≈ $2,705
  • Transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) — ≈ $3,441

Prices for selected procedures, total
Thoracic surgery
Price, USD
≈ $1,417
Vascular surgery
Price, USD
≈ $2,198
Price, USD
≈ $1,421
Price, USD
≈ $1,301
≈ $694
≈ $1,563
≈ $1,173
by request
≈ $238
≈ $376
≈ $103
≈ $293
≈ $213
≈ $1,287
≈ $1,671
≈ $1,756
≈ $762
≈ $840
≈ $717
≈ $688
≈ $715
≈ $513
≈ $279
≈ $1,240
≈ $524
≈ $840
≈ $499
≈ $654
≈ $783
≈ $375
≈ $1,115
≈ $659
≈ $695
≈ $861
≈ $818
≈ $1,386
≈ $230
≈ $657
≈ $188
≈ $1,001
≈ $1,868
≈ $1,524
≈ $437
≈ $679
≈ $301
≈ $560
≈ $1,338
≈ $86
≈ $1,146
≈ $350
≈ $2,597
≈ $567
≈ $1,554
≈ $1,817
≈ $295
≈ $3,108
≈ $680
≈ $590
≈ $561
≈ $472
≈ $757
≈ $2,259
from $461
≈ $1,952
≈ $1,036
≈ $960
≈ $1,179
≈ $616
≈ $707
≈ $1,101
≈ $805
≈ $884
≈ $453
≈ $829
≈ $690
≈ $324
≈ $2,512
≈ $796
by request
≈ $1,739
≈ $1,397
by request
from $570
≈ $633
by request
≈ $540
≈ $590
≈ $921
≈ $565
Spine surgery
Price, USD
≈ $808
≈ $1,524
≈ $864
≈ $822
≈ $575
≈ $1,601
by request
≈ $1,436
≈ $955
≈ $1,180
≈ $1,233
≈ $809
≈ $1,670
by request
≈ $1,465
≈ $657
≈ $2,889
≈ $1,294
≈ $740
≈ $1,227
by request
≈ $225
≈ $503
≈ $1,163
≈ $1,989
≈ $2,488
by request
≈ $805
≈ $657
≈ $1,654
≈ $2,705
≈ $3,441
Overall rating: 4
December 13, 2019
I brought my friend here around 2:00 AM morning, and the doctor was ready to see him as the ambulance informed him already. That shows you how ready the hospital, and it seems to be a good one. Other than that, I don’t know as the hospital has many specialties. As for the waiting area they have vending machines
Overall rating: 1
May 03, 2021
Very dissatisfied & disappointed! Firstly, I made an appointment by phone for the Otolaryngology doctor. The secretary quoted me 150 for the consultation and extra if there are any prescriptions or additional services required. I was in the Dr office for maybe 5-7 minutes total and was asked to pay a totally different price of 1100 (no extras were included). After asking them why they did this they lowered it to 950, like that is the right thing to do but couldn’t justify the higher original asking price. BTW normal consultation with an otolaryngologist is usually 300-500, even at the most expensive places. Second, my doctor must have been 24-25 year old! How is it that all the doctors in this country are less than the average graduating age of medical school (27-29yo). Not that he was not nice, but you always get the feeling like you get the fast diagnosis and out you go. All of the good and older doctors have taken jobs outside of Ukraine which is why there is nothing left for locals. I’m flying to Poland or Germany for my medical issues from now other than the common cold because of the overall lack of healthcare in this country. It’s a truly sad situation, especially because I had a good experience with their Podil location last year.
Overall rating: 1
January 11, 2022
Nice outer image, but Soviet Union on the inside! Customer service is tantamount to what you would expect from the good old Cold War days, with "doctors" that immediately give you the impression that you are beneath them and unworthy of their attention. Very disappointed with my most recent experience despite using them once before and being generally pleased. Come prepared to deal with third-world customer service, a bedside manner that leaves you unsure of what to expect, and doctors that have no empathy much less interest in being kind and professional.
3, S. Idzikowsky (M. Mishinа) Kyiv, Ukraine
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Flight Tickets
One way
1 adult
No children
Tue, 04/23
Direct flight $0.00
Indirect flight $0.00
Tue, 04/30
Direct flight $0.00
Indirect flight $0.00
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