Clinic Lung Center of the Philippines in Quezon City

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About clinic

The Lung Center of the Philippines was established through Presidential Decree No. 1823 on January 16, 1981 to provide the Filipino people state-of-the-art specialized care for lung and other chest diseases. The reopening of the Center last March 1, 1999 was an occassion for rejoicing and relief, especially by those who depended on the hospital because they could not get the specialized treatment they needed anywhere else. The Center then provide basic services such as the 24-hour Emergency Room, laboratory, radiology and pharmacy services, in-patient and out-patient consultation, ECG, central supply, ultra-sound, nursing care and ambulance conduction. It has two operating rooms (OR), and an intensive care unit (ICU). It is in the process of acquiring state-of-the-art equipment and facilities. The Center is determined to continue to carry on the legacy of commitment, excellence and top-quality, affordable medical care to thousands of Filipinos.

Quality management system

Cardiac surgery

  • Pericardiocentesis — ≈ $1,638
  • Pulmonary artery thromboendarterectomy — ≈ $10,143

Vascular surgery

  • Aortoiliac allografting — ≈ $12,350
  • Arteriovenous (AV) fistula surgery — ≈ $1,804
  • Arteriovenous (AV) graft surgery — ≈ $2,667
  • Central venous catheter (CVC/CVAD) placement — ≈ $475
  • Endoscopic vein harvesting (EVH) for coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) — ≈ $300
  • Endovascular thrombectomy — ≈ $3,220
  • Femoral-popliteal bypass graft surgery — ≈ $6,405
  • Peripheral artery bypass — ≈ $12,717
  • Portocaval anastomosis — $0
  • Reconstructive surgery for peripheral artery disease (PAD) — ≈ $9,266
  • Renal artery bypass surgery — ≈ $10,864
  • Replacement of central venous catheter — ≈ $967
  • Secondary Cimino arteriovenous anastomosis surgery — ≈ $1,503
  • Surgical thrombectomy — ≈ $8,227

Thoracic surgery

  • Atypical resections of the lung — ≈ $4,738
  • Bilobectomy — ≈ $5,661
  • Bronchoplastic surgery — ≈ $7,881
  • Chest wall deformity correction — ≈ $5,657
  • Decortication — ≈ $5,407
  • Diagnostic thoracoscopy — ≈ $2,019
  • Diagnostic thoracotomy — ≈ $2,046
  • Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (ETS) — ≈ $1,996
  • Esophageal dilation — ≈ $845
  • Esophageal stenting — ≈ $2,174
  • Esophagocoloplasty — ≈ $3,694
  • Extrapleural pneumonectomy (EPP) — ≈ $7,781
  • Laparoscopic myotomy for achalasia — ≈ $3,182
  • Lobectomy — ≈ $9,387
  • Lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) — $0
  • Mediastinal cancer surgery — ≈ $5,576
  • Mediastinoscopy — ≈ $4,565
  • Mediastinotomy — $0
  • Open chest surgery — ≈ $8,048
  • Pancoast tumor surgery — ≈ $2,220
  • Pneumonectomy — ≈ $6,904
  • Repair of diaphragmatic hernia — ≈ $1,636
  • Sleeve lobectomy — ≈ $8,843
  • Surgery for chest trauma — $0
  • Surgery for lung cancer — ≈ $5,085
  • Surgical removal of lung cyst (including hydatid cyst) — ≈ $4,937
  • Thoracentesis — ≈ $406
  • Thoracoplasty including sternoplasty — ≈ $5,271
  • Thoracoscopic lung resection — ≈ $4,219
  • Thymectomy — ≈ $5,772
  • Trachea and air passages surgery — ≈ $9,798
  • Wedge resection — ≈ $7,185

Spine surgery

  • Extreme lateral interbody fusion (XLIF) — $0
  • Kyphoplasty — ≈ $5,548
  • Microdiscectomy — ≈ $5,411
  • Microscopic decompression laminectomy — ≈ $6,339
  • Microsurgical extraforaminal decompression — ≈ $4,372
  • Minimally invasive cervical laminoforaminotomy — $0
  • Minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) — ≈ $10,834
  • Nucleoplasty — ≈ $3,369
  • Percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy (PELD) — ≈ $5,967
  • Spinal synovial cyst removal — ≈ $341
  • Vertebroplasty — ≈ $3,402

Orthopedic surgery

  • Partial hip replacement — ≈ $10,782
  • Total hip replacement (Unilateral) — ≈ $8,999
  • Wound debridement — $0


  • Abdominoperineal resection (APR) — ≈ $10,955
  • Axillary lymphadenectomy — ≈ $1,627
  • Bilateral adnexectomy — ≈ $3,916
  • Breast reconstruction after mastectomy — ≈ $7,233
  • Chemotherapy for lung cancer — $0
  • Cholecystectomy — ≈ $2,562
  • Colon polypectomy — ≈ $875
  • Colorectal endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) — ≈ $1,863
  • Conization — ≈ $1,678
  • Cord blood stem cell transplantation — $0
  • Debulking cytoreductive surgery — ≈ $9,170
  • Distal gastric resection — ≈ $5,000
  • Double preventive mastectomy — ≈ $4,878
  • Endometriosis surgery — ≈ $2,760
  • Esophagogastrectomy — ≈ $44,987
  • Extended cholecystectomy — ≈ $12,852
  • Gastric endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) — ≈ $2,090
  • Hartmann's operation — ≈ $3,934
  • Hematopoietic stem cell harvest — $0
  • Hemicolectomy — ≈ $7,822
  • Hysteroscopic polypectomy — ≈ $1,503
  • Inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy — ≈ $2,325
  • Intersphincteric resection (ISR) — ≈ $3,291
  • Intracavitary chemotherapy — $0
  • Laparascopic myomectomy — ≈ $3,314
  • Laparoscopic adnexectomy — ≈ $2,365
  • Laparoscopic cholecystectomy — ≈ $1,158
  • Laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy — ≈ $3,047
  • Laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy (LAVH) — ≈ $3,858
  • Laparoscopy-assisted supracervical hysterectomy (LASH) — ≈ $2,685
  • Laproscopic total gastrectomy — ≈ $7,911
  • Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) — ≈ $880
  • Low anterior resection (LAR) — ≈ $6,096
  • Lumpectomy — ≈ $2,001
  • Mediastinal lymphadenectomy — ≈ $1,741
  • Myomectomy — ≈ $2,279
  • Needle biopsy — ≈ $446
  • Nipple and areola reconstruction — ≈ $1,818
  • Open hysterectomy — ≈ $1,135
  • Ovarian transposition — ≈ $1,240
  • Partial mastectomy — ≈ $2,869
  • Partial vulvectomy — ≈ $2,282
  • Pelvic lymphadenectomy — ≈ $2,478
  • Proctocolectomy — ≈ $6,386
  • Proximal gastric resection — ≈ $5,668
  • Radiation therapy — $0
  • Radical mastectomy — ≈ $6,526
  • Radical trachelectomy — ≈ $3,373
  • Radical vulvectomy — ≈ $3,807
  • Rectum anterior resection — ≈ $8,264
  • Retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy — ≈ $4,587
  • Salpingectomy — ≈ $2,221
  • Sentinel node biopsy — ≈ $3,146
  • Simple mastectomy — ≈ $4,367
  • Splenectomy — ≈ $4,633
  • Stem cell transplant (peripheral blood) — $0
  • Subcutaneous mastectomy — ≈ $2,546
  • Subtotal gastrectomy — ≈ $5,936
  • Surgical breast biopsy — ≈ $1,367
  • TRAM flap breast reconstruction — ≈ $10,677
  • Total colectomy — ≈ $7,373
  • Total esophagectomy — ≈ $19,162
  • Total gastrectomy — ≈ $15,715
  • Total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) — ≈ $1,135
  • Total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) + Bilateral adnexectomy — ≈ $4,938
  • Transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM) — ≈ $1,365
  • Vacuum-assisted breast biopsy — ≈ $879
  • Vaginal hysterectomy — ≈ $3,556
  • Vaginectomy — ≈ $2,739

Prices for selected procedures, total
Cardiac surgery
Price, USD
≈ $1,638
≈ $10,143
Vascular surgery
Price, USD
≈ $12,350
≈ $1,804
≈ $2,667
≈ $475
≈ $300
≈ $3,220
≈ $6,405
≈ $12,717
by request
≈ $9,266
≈ $10,864
≈ $967
≈ $1,503
≈ $8,227
Thoracic surgery
Price, USD
≈ $4,738
≈ $5,661
≈ $7,881
≈ $5,657
≈ $5,407
≈ $2,019
≈ $2,046
≈ $1,996
≈ $845
≈ $2,174
≈ $3,694
≈ $7,781
≈ $3,182
≈ $9,387
by request
≈ $5,576
≈ $4,565
by request
≈ $8,048
≈ $2,220
≈ $6,904
≈ $1,636
≈ $8,843
by request
≈ $5,085
≈ $4,937
≈ $406
≈ $5,271
≈ $4,219
≈ $5,772
≈ $9,798
≈ $7,185
Spine surgery
Price, USD
by request
≈ $5,548
≈ $5,411
≈ $6,339
≈ $4,372
by request
≈ $10,834
≈ $3,369
≈ $5,967
≈ $341
≈ $3,402
Orthopedic surgery
Price, USD
≈ $10,782
≈ $8,999
by request
Price, USD
≈ $10,955
≈ $1,627
≈ $3,916
≈ $7,233
by request
≈ $2,562
≈ $875
≈ $1,863
≈ $1,678
by request
≈ $9,170
≈ $5,000
≈ $4,878
≈ $2,760
≈ $44,987
≈ $12,852
≈ $2,090
≈ $3,934
by request
≈ $7,822
≈ $1,503
≈ $2,325
≈ $3,291
by request
≈ $3,314
≈ $2,365
≈ $1,158
≈ $3,047
≈ $3,858
≈ $2,685
≈ $7,911
≈ $880
≈ $6,096
≈ $2,001
≈ $1,741
≈ $2,279
≈ $446
≈ $1,818
≈ $1,135
≈ $1,240
≈ $2,869
≈ $2,282
≈ $2,478
≈ $6,386
≈ $5,668
by request
≈ $6,526
≈ $3,373
≈ $3,807
≈ $8,264
≈ $4,587
≈ $2,221
≈ $3,146
≈ $4,367
≈ $4,633
by request
≈ $2,546
≈ $5,936
≈ $1,367
≈ $10,677
≈ $7,373
≈ $19,162
≈ $15,715
≈ $1,135
≈ $4,938
≈ $1,365
≈ $879
≈ $3,556
≈ $2,739
Overall rating: 5
February 24, 2021
I am here Feb. 15, 2021 in the afternoon, for a RT-PCR Test for my flight to Bangkok on the 17th feb., Staff are accommodating, specially the Guard that is assign.
Overall rating: 5
November 30, 2021
Thank you for taking 100% care of my mother. She was in critical state when brought here but now in perfect condition. Words are not enough to say thank you for the guards, nurses, staff and doctors esp Doc T. Thank you doc. And oh..the hospital grounds are so big and so full of trees. Its also quiet in here. I'd say it helped to clear my mind while I was down in the dumps
Overall rating: 1
May 24, 2022
The worst service I've ever experienced with a government hospital. The staff lack empathy to ailing patients, talking to them in a condescending manner. Instructions are given in sparse, showing lack of organizational skills. Patients who have been waiting to undergo procedure tend to wait more, asking them to go back after completing yet another instruction. The patient I'm with- a 71 year old, who was instructed to fast for 10 hours (last meal was dinner the day before) has not eaten anything yet considering it's already 3:19pm - no breakfast and lunch at all. Now, we were instructed to drink something and wait another hour for the chemical to take effect and be seen in the CT scan considering that we've been waiting for more than 2 hours. Then, they ask us to purchase something for the patient to take before the actual procedure. I mean, why didn't they tell us beforehand? I would've given a 0 score but the review doesn't allow that. Really terrible. If someone from this department is reading this, I'd like for you to take note of the photos of the staff inside the MRI & CT scan that need some sort of counseling or a refresher on customer service and empathy.
Quezon Avenue, 1100 Quezon City, Philippines
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Flight Tickets
One way
1 adult
No children
Tue, 04/23
Direct flight $0.00
Indirect flight $0.00
Tue, 04/30
Direct flight $0.00
Indirect flight $0.00
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