Clinic Instituto Alexander Fleming (IAF) in Buenos Aires

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As of March 14, 1994, the Alexander Fleming Institute opened its doors to medical and scientific excellence. Maximum technical-scientific level and comfort in one of the most prestigious institutions in the country. Prevention, diagnosis and comprehensive treatment of cancer patients. Medical excellence deployed in an optimal setting. High complexity technology. We have highly complex technology in more than 50 medical specialties and a medical staff with recognized national and international experience.


Cardiac surgery

  • Balloon angioplasty and stenting of aorta coarctation — ≈ $8,694
  • Cardiac catheterization — ≈ $2,164
  • Cardiac resynchronization therapy with defibrillator (CRT-D) — ≈ $20,768
  • Cardiac resynchronization therapy with pacemaker (CRT-P) — ≈ $11,419
  • Coil embolization of intracardiac shunts and fistulas — ≈ $3,731
  • Dual chamber pacemaker insertion — ≈ $7,099
  • Intraaortic balloon pump (IABP) procedure — ≈ $2,155
  • Leadless Pacemaker implantation Micra and Nanostim — ≈ $8,326
  • Left atrial appendage occlusion — ≈ $9,360
  • Loop recorder implantation (ILR) — ≈ $5,612
  • Loop recorder removal — ≈ $1,692
  • Management of pacemaker system — ≈ $517
  • NobleStitch™ PFO closure procedure — $0
  • Pacemaker replacement — ≈ $3,103
  • Percutaneous ASD closure — ≈ $9,697
  • Percutaneous closure of ventricular septal defect (VSD) — ≈ $9,391
  • Permanent pacemaker implantation — ≈ $8,027
  • Rashkind procedure — ≈ $8,192
  • Removal of permanent pacemaker — ≈ $5,519
  • Single chamber pacemaker insertion — ≈ $7,765
  • Temporary pacemaker implantation — ≈ $787
  • Transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in adults — ≈ $7,379


  • Abdominoperineal resection (APR) — ≈ $13,482
  • Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) — $0
  • Autologous bone marrow transplantation (BMT) — $0
  • Bilateral adnexectomy — ≈ $4,778
  • Brachytherapy for prostate cancer — $0
  • Breast reconstruction after mastectomy — ≈ $7,933
  • Cervical lymphadenectomy — ≈ $7,715
  • Chemotherapy for bladder cancer — $0
  • Chemotherapy for bone cancer — $0
  • Chemotherapy for endometrial cancer — $0
  • Chemotherapy for head and neck cancer — $0
  • Chemotherapy for kidney cancer — $0
  • Chemotherapy for leukemia — $0
  • Chemotherapy for lung cancer — $0
  • Chemotherapy for lymphoma — $0
  • Chemotherapy for melanoma — $0
  • Chemotherapy for myeloma — $0
  • Chemotherapy for non-melanoma skin cancer — $0
  • Chemotherapy for ovarian cancer — $0
  • Chemotherapy for prostate cancer — $0
  • Chemotherapy for soft tissue sarcoma — $0
  • Chemotherapy for testicular cancer — $0
  • Chemotherapy for vaginal cancer — $0
  • Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy — $0
  • Cholecystectomy — ≈ $1,215
  • Colon polypectomy — ≈ $1,053
  • Colorectal endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) — ≈ $2,381
  • Conization — ≈ $1,992
  • Cord blood stem cell transplantation — $0
  • Cryotherapy for skin lesions — ≈ $1,539
  • Debulking cytoreductive surgery — ≈ $8,313
  • Distal gastric resection — ≈ $6,049
  • Distal pancreatectomy — ≈ $12,502
  • Double preventive mastectomy — ≈ $5,414
  • Duodenectomy — ≈ $1,965
  • Endometriosis surgery — ≈ $3,157
  • Esophagogastrectomy — ≈ $60,413
  • Extended cholecystectomy — ≈ $15,342
  • Floor of mouth cancer resection — ≈ $2,085
  • Gastric endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) — ≈ $2,339
  • Hartmann's operation — ≈ $5,061
  • Hematopoietic stem cell harvest — $0
  • Hemicolectomy — ≈ $9,881
  • Hemiglossectomy — ≈ $3,195
  • Hormone therapy for breast cancer — $0
  • Hormone therapy for ovarian cancer — $0
  • Hysteroscopic polypectomy — ≈ $2,057
  • Immune checkpoint inhibitors — $0
  • Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) — $0
  • Intersphincteric resection (ISR) — ≈ $2,843
  • Intraoperative radiotherapy — $0
  • Isolated limb perfusion (ILP) — $0
  • Jejunostomy — ≈ $2,951
  • Laparascopic myomectomy — ≈ $4,159
  • Laparoscopic adnexectomy — ≈ $3,116
  • Laparoscopic cholecystectomy — ≈ $3,597
  • Laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy — ≈ $3,448
  • Laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy (LAVH) — ≈ $4,106
  • Laparoscopy-assisted supracervical hysterectomy (LASH) — ≈ $3,110
  • Laproscopic total gastrectomy — ≈ $9,014
  • Laser therapy for skin lesions — ≈ $1,670
  • Lip resection — ≈ $6,393
  • Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) — ≈ $1,080
  • Low anterior resection (LAR) — ≈ $6,407
  • Lumpectomy — ≈ $2,489
  • Major liver resection — ≈ $22,204
  • Mandibular resection — ≈ $12,048
  • Mandibular resection + Reconstruction — ≈ $8,614
  • Melanoma surgical removal — ≈ $6,014
  • Minor liver resection — ≈ $6,653
  • Mohs surgery — ≈ $2,679
  • Monoclonal antibodies therapy (mAbs) — $0
  • Myomectomy — ≈ $2,773
  • Natural killer (NK) cell therapy — $0
  • Needle biopsy — ≈ $512
  • Nephroureterectomy — ≈ $8,522
  • Nipple and areola reconstruction — ≈ $2,101
  • Non-anatomic liver resection (NAR) — ≈ $18,563
  • Omentectomy — ≈ $1,597
  • Open hysterectomy — ≈ $3,646
  • Oral cancer surgery — ≈ $13,271
  • Ovarian transposition — ≈ $1,091
  • Pancreaticoduodenectomy — ≈ $18,152
  • Parotidectomy — ≈ $2,813
  • Partial mastectomy — ≈ $3,157
  • Partial vulvectomy — ≈ $2,616
  • Proctocolectomy — ≈ $8,443
  • Proximal gastric resection — ≈ $6,315
  • Radiation therapy — $0
  • Radiation therapy for breast cancer — $0
  • Radical mastectomy — ≈ $7,685
  • Radical nephrectomy — ≈ $9,545
  • Radical nephrectomy + Inferior vena cava (IVC) thrombectomy — ≈ $8,206
  • Radical prostatectomy — ≈ $8,686
  • Radical trachelectomy — ≈ $3,902
  • Radical vulvectomy — ≈ $4,641
  • Radiosurgery — $0
  • Rectum anterior resection — ≈ $10,192
  • Removal of benign skin lesions — ≈ $901
  • Retroperitoneal tumor resection — ≈ $11,610
  • Salpingectomy — ≈ $2,598
  • Sigmoidectomy — ≈ $5,950
  • Simple mastectomy — ≈ $5,320
  • Skin cancer surgery — ≈ $1,200
  • Small bowel resection — ≈ $6,946
  • Splenectomy — ≈ $5,308
  • Stem cell transplant (peripheral blood) — $0
  • Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) — $0
  • Subcutaneous mastectomy — ≈ $2,856
  • Submandibular gland resection — ≈ $2,326
  • Subtotal gastrectomy — ≈ $7,115
  • Surgical breast biopsy — ≈ $1,653
  • TRAM flap breast reconstruction — ≈ $11,682
  • Targeted therapy — $0
  • Three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy (3D CRT) — $0
  • Total colectomy — ≈ $8,876
  • Total esophagectomy — ≈ $24,526
  • Total gastrectomy — ≈ $19,211
  • Total glossectomy — ≈ $4,532
  • Total glossectomy + Reconstruction — $0
  • Total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) — ≈ $4,336
  • Total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) + Bilateral adnexectomy — ≈ $5,237
  • Total pancreatectomy — ≈ $7,049
  • Total parietal peritonectomy — $0
  • Transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM) — ≈ $1,762
  • Transurethral incision of the prostate (TUIP) — ≈ $2,228
  • Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) — ≈ $4,259
  • Tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) therapy — $0
  • Ureteral cancer surgery — $0
  • Vacuum-assisted breast biopsy — ≈ $1,039
  • Vaginal hysterectomy — ≈ $4,446
  • Vaginectomy — ≈ $2,937

Orthopedic surgery

  • Muscle transfer — $0
  • Tendon repair — ≈ $2,293
  • Tendon transfer — ≈ $2,015
  • Tenotomy — ≈ $1,053

Prices for selected procedures, total
Cardiac surgery
Price, USD
≈ $8,694
≈ $2,164
≈ $20,768
≈ $11,419
≈ $3,731
≈ $7,099
≈ $2,155
≈ $8,326
≈ $9,360
≈ $5,612
≈ $1,692
≈ $517
by request
≈ $3,103
≈ $9,697
≈ $9,391
≈ $8,027
≈ $8,192
≈ $5,519
≈ $7,765
≈ $787
≈ $7,379
Price, USD
≈ $13,482
by request
by request
≈ $4,778
by request
≈ $7,933
≈ $7,715
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
by request
≈ $1,215
≈ $1,053
≈ $2,381
≈ $1,992
by request
≈ $1,539
≈ $8,313
≈ $6,049
≈ $12,502
≈ $5,414
≈ $1,965
≈ $3,157
≈ $60,413
≈ $15,342
≈ $2,085
≈ $2,339
≈ $5,061
by request
≈ $9,881
≈ $3,195
by request
by request
≈ $2,057
by request
by request
≈ $2,843
by request
by request
≈ $2,951
≈ $4,159
≈ $3,116
≈ $3,597
≈ $3,448
≈ $4,106
≈ $3,110
≈ $9,014
≈ $1,670
≈ $6,393
≈ $1,080
≈ $6,407
≈ $2,489
≈ $22,204
≈ $12,048
≈ $8,614
≈ $6,014
≈ $6,653
≈ $2,679
by request
≈ $2,773
by request
≈ $512
≈ $8,522
≈ $2,101
≈ $18,563
≈ $1,597
≈ $3,646
≈ $13,271
≈ $1,091
≈ $18,152
≈ $2,813
≈ $3,157
≈ $2,616
≈ $8,443
≈ $6,315
by request
by request
≈ $7,685
≈ $9,545
≈ $8,206
≈ $8,686
≈ $3,902
≈ $4,641
by request
≈ $10,192
≈ $901
≈ $11,610
≈ $2,598
≈ $5,950
≈ $5,320
≈ $1,200
≈ $6,946
≈ $5,308
by request
by request
≈ $2,856
≈ $2,326
≈ $7,115
≈ $1,653
≈ $11,682
by request
by request
≈ $8,876
≈ $24,526
≈ $19,211
≈ $4,532
by request
≈ $4,336
≈ $5,237
≈ $7,049
by request
≈ $1,762
≈ $2,228
≈ $4,259
by request
by request
≈ $1,039
≈ $4,446
≈ $2,937
Orthopedic surgery
Price, USD
by request
≈ $2,293
≈ $2,015
≈ $1,053
Overall rating: 3
August 20, 2022
Very good general organization. Renowned personnel in oncological specialties but, for those of us who pay privately, very little attention. I did not receive the support or advice that one thinks one will receive when going to see "supposed eminences and specialists." I had to corkscrew everything out to try to justify the effort it means to travel to this place, stopping doing many things, so that later you feel like they want to "send you away." If I gave 3 stars it is because it helped me to hear second opinions, because the times they manage for shifts and studies are more limited than other prepaid, and because, the first time I came, and Chacon attended me, I had a very good experience. However, not every time I came, nor did all the professionals treat themselves with that type of attention and empathy that one would expect in the "big ones".
Overall rating: 5
October 20, 2023
I give the highest marks of merit to the medical professionals. As for the administrative and security staff, they still have a lot of work to do to achieve a good level. They have no tact with patients, always in a bad mood and arrogant. Of 10 administrative people we dealt with, only 2 were friendly. Not to mention the on-call, disastrous, fortunately we had to attend only 1 time, there were 2 patients waiting, we were there for 2 and a half hours. While in a next room there were nurses dying of laughter, zero tact. But if, in terms of medical staff, they have the best professionals in the country, that is what made us make the decision to continue the treatment at the institution and endure the rest.
Overall rating: 5
November 21, 2023
I am a platelet donor and the girls serve 10. I know many people who are treated there and have had very good experiences. 100% human quality
1180 Cramer (C1426ANZ) Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Wed, 10/30
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Wed, 11/06
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