Clinic Kyiv Heart Institute in Kyiv

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Single Room, Double room

The Heart Institute is the flagship of Ukrainian cardiology and cardiac surgery, equipped with the latest technology, where the most experienced doctors daily fight for a quality and long life of their patients. The Heart Institute was founded in Kyiv in 2007. The clinic was built according to European standards and immediately gained the status of one of the best cardiac surgery facilities in the country. For the first time in Ukraine, experts in the field of heart disease prevention, diagnostics, therapy, surgery, anesthesiology and rehabilitation gathered in one clinic. Many years of experience of our team, individual approach to each patient in combination with the latest technologies and methods of treatment of cardiovascular diseases are the reason why the patients from all over Ukraine and abroad choose the Heart Institute. We treat cardiovascular diseases of any complexity in adults and children: aortic aneurysm, heart attacks, coronary heart disease, angina, hypertension, congenital and acquired heart defects. Our doctors use a full range of classic and minimally invasive techniques to keep your heart healthy: coronary artery stenting, coronary artery bypass grafting, valve prosthesis, aortic prosthesis, mechanical heart implantation, pacemaker implantation, heart transplantation. We conduct more than 100,000 diagnostic tests of the cardiovascular system annually. Every year, more than 6,000 heart surgeries and minimally invasive operations are performed in five modern operating rooms and four angiography laboratories, more than 2,000 of them with artificial circulation.In December 2019, the team of the Heart Institute successfully performed the first heart transplant in Ukraine over the last 15 years. We implement the latest technologies and research and treat people in a friendly atmosphere and comfortable conditions. The Heart Institute is located in a park area among the pine forests, like the world’s best clinics, nature being a part of the therapy and promoting the rapid recovery of our patients. A large area of peace and comfort is instrumental for a quality stay in the clinic.


Cardiac surgery

  • Alcohol septal ablation in hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy — ≈ $826
  • Angioplasty of the pulmonary artery — ≈ $847
  • Aortic valve replacement (AVR) — ≈ $4,022
  • Arterial switch operation (ASO) — ≈ $2,824
  • Atrial septal defect (ASD) repair — ≈ $3,632
  • Atrial septal defect (ASD) repair in children — ≈ $6,316
  • Atrioventricular canal defect surgery — ≈ $6,604
  • Balloon angioplasty and stenting of aorta coarctation — ≈ $2,156
  • Bio-prosthetic valve replacement — ≈ $9,567
  • Blalock-Taussig shunt — ≈ $2,754
  • Cardiac catheterization — ≈ $241
  • Cardiac resynchronization therapy with defibrillator (CRT-D) — ≈ $3,322
  • Cardiac resynchronization therapy with pacemaker (CRT-P) — ≈ $2,488
  • Catheter cardiac ablation — ≈ $1,400
  • Catheter cryoablation — ≈ $3,246
  • Coil embolization of intracardiac shunts and fistulas — ≈ $1,342
  • Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) — ≈ $4,433
  • Coronary catheterization — ≈ $241
  • Double valve repair — ≈ $7,115
  • Double valve replacement — ≈ $5,494
  • Dual chamber pacemaker insertion — ≈ $1,975
  • Ebstein anomaly correction — ≈ $4,038
  • Electrophysiology study (EPS) — ≈ $626
  • Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) — $0
  • Fontan procedure — ≈ $5,389
  • Fractional flow reserve (FFR) — ≈ $247
  • Glenn procedure — ≈ $3,976
  • Heart transplantation — ≈ $5,635
  • Heart tumor surgery — ≈ $3,130
  • Heart valve repair — ≈ $4,834
  • Heart valve replacement — ≈ $4,226
  • Intraaortic balloon pump (IABP) procedure — ≈ $709
  • Leadless Pacemaker implantation Micra and Nanostim — ≈ $524
  • Left atrial appendage occlusion — ≈ $2,155
  • Management of pacemaker system — ≈ $165
  • Mechanical valve replacement — ≈ $8,021
  • Mitral valve replacement (MVR) — ≈ $3,207
  • Nikaidoh procedure — ≈ $3,539
  • NobleStitch™ PFO closure procedure — $0
  • Norwood procedure — ≈ $3,980
  • Off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery — ≈ $4,727
  • Open-heart intracardiac foreign body removal — ≈ $4,420
  • Pacemaker replacement — ≈ $896
  • Partial anomalous pulmonary return (PAPVR) correction — $0
  • Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) ligation in children — ≈ $2,931
  • Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) open heart surgery in adults — ≈ $1,509
  • Percutaneous ASD closure — ≈ $1,618
  • Percutaneous closure of ventricular septal defect (VSD) — ≈ $2,240
  • Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with angioplasty — ≈ $1,280
  • Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with stent insertion — ≈ $885
  • Pericardiectomy — ≈ $2,568
  • Pericardiocentesis — ≈ $295
  • Permanent pacemaker implantation — ≈ $1,435
  • Pulmonary artery banding (PAB) — ≈ $2,521
  • Pulmonary artery thromboendarterectomy — ≈ $2,475
  • Radical correction of tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) — ≈ $2,787
  • Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) — ≈ $3,155
  • Rashkind procedure — ≈ $1,414
  • Rastelli procedure — ≈ $2,235
  • Redo heart surgery — ≈ $1,904
  • Removal of permanent pacemaker — ≈ $730
  • Repair of the ruptured sinuses of Valsalva — ≈ $3,892
  • Rotational atherectomy — ≈ $480
  • Septal myectomy — ≈ $3,248
  • Single chamber pacemaker insertion — ≈ $1,855
  • Surgery for tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) in adults — ≈ $1,878
  • Surgical ventricular restoration (SVR) — ≈ $3,150
  • Temporary pacemaker implantation — ≈ $204
  • Total anomalous pulmonary return (TAPVR) correction — ≈ $2,713
  • Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) — ≈ $7,242
  • Transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in adults — ≈ $1,939
  • Transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement (PVR) — ≈ $3,540
  • Tricuspid valve replacement (TVR) — ≈ $3,524
  • Truncus arteriosus repair — ≈ $3,580
  • Ventricular assist device (LVAD, RVAD, BVAD) implantation — $0
  • Ventricular septal defect (VSD) repair — ≈ $4,330
  • Ventricular septal defect (VSD) repair in children — ≈ $2,024

Vascular surgery

  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm repair — ≈ $4,062
  • Abdominal endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) — ≈ $1,623
  • Angioplasty and stenting of visceral arteries (celiac trunk, superior mesenteric artery) — ≈ $1,294
  • Angioplasty of the arteries of the lower or upper limbs — ≈ $1,033
  • Angioplasty of the brachiocephalic vessels — ≈ $812
  • Aortic arch replacement — ≈ $2,632
  • Aortic reconstruction — ≈ $1,955
  • Aortobifemoral stent grafting — ≈ $1,902
  • Aortography — ≈ $361
  • Aortoiliac allografting — ≈ $1,898
  • Arteriovenous (AV) fistula surgery — ≈ $488
  • Arteriovenous (AV) graft surgery — ≈ $699
  • Arteriovenous malformations (AVM) embolization — ≈ $1,072
  • Bentall surgery — ≈ $4,704
  • Catheter embolization — ≈ $620
  • Complex aortic surgery — ≈ $4,455
  • Embolization of peripheral arteries aneurysm — ≈ $1,842
  • Endoscopic vein harvesting (EVH) for coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) — ≈ $280
  • Endovascular thrombectomy — ≈ $861
  • Femoral-popliteal bypass graft surgery — ≈ $1,436
  • Inferior vena cava (IVC) filter placement — ≈ $802
  • Pelvic vein embolization (PVE) — ≈ $647
  • Peripheral artery angioplasty and stent placement — ≈ $1,219
  • Peripheral artery bypass — ≈ $2,512
  • Portocaval anastomosis — $0
  • Prostatic artery embolization (PAE) — ≈ $1,075
  • Reconstructive surgery for peripheral artery disease (PAD) — ≈ $1,586
  • Renal arteries embolization (RAE) — ≈ $519
  • Renal artery angioplasty and stenting — ≈ $590
  • Renal artery bypass surgery — ≈ $1,856
  • Ross operation — ≈ $5,175
  • Secondary Cimino arteriovenous anastomosis surgery — ≈ $267
  • Surgical thrombectomy — ≈ $793
  • Thoracic aortic aneurysm surgery — ≈ $2,695
  • Thoracic endovascular aneurysm repair (TEVAR) — ≈ $4,043
  • Uterine artery embolization (UAE) — ≈ $957
  • Valve sparing root replacement (VSRR) — ≈ $2,880

Prices for selected procedures, total
Cardiac surgery
Price, USD
≈ $826
≈ $847
≈ $4,022
≈ $2,824
≈ $3,632
≈ $6,316
≈ $6,604
≈ $2,156
≈ $9,567
≈ $2,754
≈ $241
≈ $3,322
≈ $2,488
≈ $1,400
≈ $3,246
≈ $1,342
≈ $4,433
≈ $241
≈ $7,115
≈ $5,494
≈ $1,975
≈ $4,038
≈ $626
by request
≈ $5,389
≈ $247
≈ $3,976
≈ $5,635
≈ $3,130
≈ $4,834
≈ $4,226
≈ $709
≈ $524
≈ $2,155
≈ $165
≈ $8,021
≈ $3,207
≈ $3,539
by request
≈ $3,980
≈ $4,727
≈ $4,420
≈ $896
by request
≈ $2,931
≈ $1,509
≈ $1,618
≈ $2,240
≈ $1,280
≈ $885
≈ $2,568
≈ $295
≈ $1,435
≈ $2,521
≈ $2,475
≈ $2,787
≈ $3,155
≈ $1,414
≈ $2,235
≈ $1,904
≈ $730
≈ $3,892
≈ $480
≈ $3,248
≈ $1,855
≈ $1,878
≈ $3,150
≈ $204
≈ $2,713
≈ $7,242
≈ $1,939
≈ $3,540
≈ $3,524
≈ $3,580
by request
≈ $4,330
≈ $2,024
Vascular surgery
Price, USD
≈ $4,062
≈ $1,623
≈ $1,294
≈ $1,033
≈ $812
≈ $2,632
≈ $1,955
≈ $1,902
≈ $361
≈ $1,898
≈ $488
≈ $699
≈ $1,072
≈ $4,704
≈ $620
≈ $4,455
≈ $1,842
≈ $280
≈ $861
≈ $1,436
≈ $802
≈ $647
≈ $1,219
≈ $2,512
by request
≈ $1,075
≈ $1,586
≈ $519
≈ $590
≈ $1,856
≈ $5,175
≈ $267
≈ $793
≈ $2,695
≈ $4,043
≈ $957
≈ $2,880
Overall rating: 1
August 04, 2020
Very unprofessional and only looking for money Today I was here, because of discomfort feeling in chest. And I ask for Cardiac CT for Calcium Scoring. Doctor said, I can pay only cash. Then they made CT from lungs. And the calcium scoring they even don’t offer at all. When I ask for invoice, suddenly I couldn’t pay cash. So I had to pay for a diagnostic I didn’t ask for and I still don’t know, what’s the reason for my pain. Don’t go here
Overall rating: 5
May 03, 2023
The child was sent to this institution for an ultrasound examination of the child's heart. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of service and friendliness of the staff, you don't have to wait in line for a long time, because you come on time. At the entrance, you need to wear shoe covers (you are warned about this when you sign up). It is clean inside, fairly recently renovated, in the children's wing in the corridor there are toys, a slide and a house. There are certain problems to make an appointment, I managed to call only the 3rd time, but in general, the heart institute is not a "scoop" but the level of a decent private clinic.
Overall rating: 1
October 18, 2023
Dear people…..this is a death factory. They just buried my father. Half a million was left for treatment. 200 thousand valve replacement and 40 days of intensive care. The man came for the examination himself, but as they say, no one wants to lose their money. But that's not even the point. The fact that no one returned the money is understandable. But on the 7th floor there is an intra-hospital infection that kills all patients. People undergo complex operations, and then everyone develops sepsis, all organs become infected, and the patients die. They were burying my father, the wife of my roommate called and he had also died. Therefore, look for another place for treatment, but not on the 7th floor. But since the intensive care unit is on another floor, the entire hospital needs to be closed and treated for infection, but who wants to lose their money.....
Single Room
Double room
Modern interior design
Cozy atmosphere
Tasty and high-quality food
5 A, Bratyslavska str. Kyiv, Ukraine
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One way
1 adult
No children
Tue, 09/17
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Tue, 09/24
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