Clinic Estmedica in Tallinn

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Innovative medical technologies are used in our clinic for diagnostics and treatment. Most of the procedures are performed in outpatient conditions with minimal discomfort for a patient and sometimes the procedures are performed even without incisions. Minimally invasive intervention is the main principle while choosing a surgery type and the method of treatment. It means that our equipment and methods of treatment reduce to minimal traumas after a procedure, activate the rehabilitation period, and reduce postsurgical discomfort and ache as well. Our goal is to release our patients from problems as soon as possible, avoiding pain and complications. Our communication policy with a patient is a supreme sociability and informativeness. We would like our patients will be aware of a problem they have, be aware of our help; also patients should know which difficulties and complications may appear while solving their problems. In order to be professionally developed, find and work out new methods of treatment and new technologies, our doctors upgrade their skills all over the world, providing to patients the best service. We appreciate our patients’ health and time and do our best in order to help you to rehabilitate after the procedure as soon as possible. We would like our patient turn to everyday activity at the earliest moment without pain and discomfort.


Vascular surgery

  • Bilateral varicose veins surgery — ≈ $1,938
  • Catheter-directed sclerotherapy (CDS) (Bilateral) — ≈ $829
  • Catheter-directed sclerotherapy (CDS) (Unilateral) — ≈ $161
  • Crossectomy — $339
  • Crossectomy + Saphenous vein ligation and stripping + Side vein surgery — ≈ $1,763
  • Crossectomy and side vein surgery — ≈ $2,537
  • Cryosurgery of varicose veins — ≈ $2,152
  • Endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) for varicose vein (Bilateral) — $1,174-1,825
  • Foam sclerotherapy (Bilateral) — ≈ $632
  • Foam sclerotherapy (Unilateral) — $111-200
  • Hybrid varicose veins treatment (open+endovascular) — $0
  • Laser treatment for spider veins — ≈ $490
  • Ligation of incompetent perforator veins — ≈ $475
  • Mechanochemical Ablation (MOCA) — ≈ $1,734
  • Phlebectomy (including mini-phleboctomy) — $501-785
  • Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) for varicose veins (Unilateral) — $362
  • Spider vein sclerotherapy — $111-200
  • Unilateral varicose veins surgery — ≈ $1,263
  • Varicose vein stripping (Unilateral) — ≈ $2,299
  • Varicose veins treatment — ≈ $3,763
  • Venaseal glue therapy of varicose vein (Bilateral) — ≈ $3,419
  • Venaseal glue therapy of varicose vein (Unilateral) — ≈ $2,815

Orthopedic surgery

  • Achilles tendon repair surgery — ≈ $3,425
  • Acromioclavicular joint reconstruction — ≈ $3,072
  • Ankle arthrodesis — ≈ $4,306
  • Ankle fracture surgery — ≈ $2,996
  • Ankle ligament reconstruction surgery — ≈ $3,500
  • Ankle osteophyte removal — ≈ $1,178
  • Ankle osteotomy — ≈ $4,584
  • Arthrocentesis — ≈ $356
  • Arthroscopic biceps tenodesis — ≈ $1,729
  • Arthroscopic capsular release of the ankle joint — ≈ $2,305
  • Arthroscopic chondroplasty — ≈ $4,441
  • Arthroscopic elbow debridement — ≈ $607
  • Arthroscopic jumper's knee surgery — ≈ $2,646
  • Arthroscopic knee debridement — ≈ $3,070
  • Arthroscopic labrum refixation surgery — ≈ $2,548
  • Arthroscopic meniscus repair — ≈ $5,007
  • Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy — ≈ $2,965
  • Arthroscopic reconstruction of the knee ligament — ≈ $3,072
  • Arthroscopic reconstruction of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) — ≈ $4,205
  • Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair — ≈ $5,158
  • Arthroscopic shoulder remplissage procedure — ≈ $3,037
  • Arthroscopic synovectomy of the knee joint — ≈ $2,955
  • Arthroscopic total meniscectomy — ≈ $1,585
  • Arthroscopic treatment of prepatellar bursitis — ≈ $1,942
  • Baker's cyst surgery — ≈ $1,653
  • Bankart shoulder repair surgery — ≈ $4,922
  • Biceps tenotomy — ≈ $2,613
  • Carpal tunnel surgery — $562
  • Clavicle osteosynthesis — ≈ $3,594
  • Claw toe surgery — ≈ $1,802
  • Clubfoot surgical treatment — ≈ $1,490
  • Complex foot surgery — ≈ $3,005
  • Cubital tunnel syndrome surgery — ≈ $1,511
  • De Quervain's tendon release — ≈ $616
  • Delayed osteosynthesis — ≈ $5,711
  • Distal biceps tendon repair surgery — ≈ $3,157
  • Dupuytren's contracture surgery — $573
  • Elbow arthroscopy — ≈ $3,172
  • Elbow fracture surgery — ≈ $1,491
  • Elbow osteotomy — ≈ $2,496
  • External fixation — ≈ $638
  • Fasciotomy of the lower limb — ≈ $2,521
  • Finger reconstruction — ≈ $2,420
  • First metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis — ≈ $3,060
  • Foot and ankle arthroscopy — ≈ $3,478
  • Foot and ankle tendon surgery — ≈ $1,977
  • Foot arthrodesis — ≈ $3,175
  • Foot deformity correction — ≈ $2,870
  • Foot drop surgery — ≈ $4,860
  • Foot ganglion cyst removal — ≈ $1,452
  • Forearm fasciotomy — ≈ $3,043
  • Forearm fracture surgery — ≈ $1,826
  • Frozen shoulder surgery — ≈ $2,188
  • Guyon's canal release — ≈ $1,191
  • Haglund's deformity surgery — ≈ $2,485
  • Hallux rigidus surgery — ≈ $1,440
  • Hallux valgus surgery — $1,564
  • Hammer toe surgery — ≈ $1,427
  • Hand ganglion cyst removal — ≈ $1,223
  • Hand rejuvenation with structural fat grafting — ≈ $3,682
  • Hand surgery — ≈ $2,769
  • Hand tendon surgery — $606
  • Heel bursectomy — ≈ $1,870
  • High tibial osteotomy — ≈ $5,762
  • Hindfoot fracture surgery — ≈ $4,413
  • Humerus fracture surgical treatment — ≈ $3,078
  • Interphalangeal joint arthrodesis — ≈ $3,563
  • Intramedullary nailing — ≈ $2,235
  • Joint dislocation reduction — ≈ $3,149
  • Kidner procedure — ≈ $987
  • Knee arthroscopy — from $846
  • Knee osteotomy — ≈ $6,433
  • Lapidus arthrodesis — ≈ $5,453
  • Latarjet procedure — ≈ $2,524
  • Mallet finger surgery — ≈ $1,302
  • Mallet toe surgery — ≈ $1,652
  • Morton’s neuroma surgery — ≈ $1,617
  • Mumford procedure — ≈ $2,779
  • Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) — ≈ $4,204
  • Osgood–Schlatter disease (OSD) surgery — ≈ $1,239
  • Osteosynthesis — ≈ $3,556
  • Outerbridge-Kashiwagi procedure — ≈ $2,245
  • Partial patellectomy — ≈ $3,963
  • Patella fracture surgery — ≈ $2,272
  • Patella stabilisation surgery — ≈ $3,660
  • Percutaneous pinning — ≈ $1,965
  • Plantar fasciitis surgery — ≈ $1,422
  • Quadriceps tendon reconstruction — ≈ $5,960
  • Quadricepsplasty — ≈ $6,501
  • Radial head excision — ≈ $2,267
  • Radial head fracture surgery — ≈ $3,575
  • Removal of external fixator — ≈ $491
  • Removal of osteosynthetic material — $0
  • Revision Achilles tendon reconstruction — ≈ $6,762
  • Rotator cuff repair — ≈ $2,849
  • Running injuries surgical treatment — ≈ $1,437
  • SLAP repair surgery — ≈ $5,734
  • Scaphoid pseudarthrosis reconstruction — ≈ $2,218
  • Shoulder arthroscopy — ≈ $3,583
  • Shoulder osteotomy — ≈ $2,513
  • Shoulder stabilisation surgery — ≈ $2,756
  • Shoulder subacromial decompression surgery — ≈ $2,747
  • Sternal fracture treatment — ≈ $2,415
  • Surgical treatment of elbow instability — ≈ $2,546
  • Surgical treatment of non-unions — ≈ $5,029
  • Tailor's bunion surgery — ≈ $2,769
  • Tarsal coalition surgery — $0
  • Tarsal tunnel surgery — ≈ $1,640
  • Tennis elbow surgery — $300
  • Toe joint arthroscopy — ≈ $3,560
  • Toe shortening surgery — ≈ $1,417
  • Tommy John surgery — ≈ $1,696
  • Total patellectomy — ≈ $1,664
  • Trapeziectomy — ≈ $2,481
  • Trigger finger release — ≈ $1,073
  • Weil osteotomy surgery — ≈ $1,311
  • Wound debridement — $0
  • Wrist arthroscopy — ≈ $3,478
  • Wrist fracture surgery — ≈ $2,387
  • Wrist ligament repair — ≈ $3,505
  • Wrist synovectomy — ≈ $344

Spine surgery

Prices for selected procedures, total
Vascular surgery
Price, USD
≈ $1,938
≈ $829
≈ $161
≈ $1,763
≈ $2,537
≈ $2,152
≈ $632
by request
≈ $490
≈ $475
≈ $1,734
≈ $1,263
≈ $2,299
≈ $3,763
≈ $3,419
≈ $2,815
Orthopedic surgery
Price, USD
≈ $3,425
≈ $3,072
≈ $4,306
≈ $2,996
≈ $3,500
≈ $1,178
≈ $4,584
≈ $356
≈ $1,729
≈ $2,305
≈ $4,441
≈ $607
≈ $2,646
≈ $3,070
≈ $2,548
≈ $5,007
≈ $2,965
≈ $3,072
≈ $4,205
≈ $5,158
≈ $3,037
≈ $2,955
≈ $1,585
≈ $1,942
≈ $1,653
≈ $4,922
≈ $2,613
≈ $3,594
≈ $1,802
≈ $1,490
≈ $3,005
≈ $1,511
≈ $616
≈ $5,711
≈ $3,157
≈ $3,172
≈ $1,491
≈ $2,496
≈ $638
≈ $2,521
≈ $2,420
≈ $3,060
≈ $3,478
≈ $1,977
≈ $3,175
≈ $2,870
≈ $4,860
≈ $1,452
≈ $3,043
≈ $1,826
≈ $2,188
≈ $1,191
≈ $2,485
≈ $1,440
≈ $1,427
≈ $1,223
≈ $3,682
≈ $2,769
≈ $1,870
≈ $5,762
≈ $4,413
≈ $3,078
≈ $3,563
≈ $2,235
≈ $3,149
≈ $987
from $846
≈ $6,433
≈ $5,453
≈ $2,524
≈ $1,302
≈ $1,652
≈ $1,617
≈ $2,779
≈ $4,204
≈ $1,239
≈ $3,556
≈ $2,245
≈ $3,963
≈ $2,272
≈ $3,660
≈ $1,965
≈ $1,422
≈ $5,960
≈ $6,501
≈ $2,267
≈ $3,575
≈ $491
by request
≈ $6,762
≈ $2,849
≈ $1,437
≈ $5,734
≈ $2,218
≈ $3,583
≈ $2,513
≈ $2,756
≈ $2,747
≈ $2,415
≈ $2,546
≈ $5,029
≈ $2,769
by request
≈ $1,640
≈ $3,560
≈ $1,417
≈ $1,696
≈ $1,664
≈ $2,481
≈ $1,073
≈ $1,311
by request
≈ $3,478
≈ $2,387
≈ $3,505
≈ $344
Spine surgery
Price, USD
Overall rating: 1
June 27, 2018
don't recommend!!!
Overall rating: 1
October 06, 2021
I was referred to a specialist at this clinic by my family doctor. I had an initial blood test (even though I had already had multiple of them and the results were readily available) and was told that I'd be contacted if any further analysis or discussion was needed. After 3 weeks, I found out from my family doctor that Estmedica had closed my case because they had not been able to contact me. I had no missed calls, no messages or emails. I can only assume that they tried to call me one day when I was on a flight and had my phone switched off. After I called the clinic and tried to explain the situation, the receptionist's manner was very rude and condescending. I was ordered to pay for further contact with the doctor because they would not re-open my referral case. Even to simply collect my results, to pass onto my family doctor, I was told to visit the clinic. Once there, I was not allowed to take the results but only take a photograph of them instead. Maybe the general attitude would be different if I was not a referral, but I would not wish to pay for this experience to find out.
Overall rating: 5
October 08, 2021
5 stars for: - quick and accurate problem solving - personnel deep knowledge and comprehensive explanations - additional advices / assessment of other risk factors, even if they are not in initial surveillance/cure - quick and easy booking for procedures/doctor's visit - patient and patient's health centered approach that is aimed to solve the issue or uncover other issues that may be out of focus
Narva mnt. 31 Tallinn, Estonia
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Tue, 09/17
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Tue, 09/24
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