Clinic Latvian Microsurgery Centre in Riga

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We are one of the largest plastic surgery clinics in the Baltic States, providing world-class microsurgery services in Latvia. We ensure high quality - we work according to globally recognized methods, use only the latest technologies, materials and equipment. We guarantee an excellent result for which you will not pay! Our team consists of experienced plastic surgeons, orthopedic traumatologists, hand surgeons, pediatric surgeons, anesthesiologists, resuscitators, occupational therapists and diagnostic radiology specialists. You will get all necessary expert advice and help in one place. Our center works around the clock, as it is the only medical institution in Latvia that sews up traumatically lost body parts. At any time of the day, you have access to the help of qualified specialists.



  • Benign peripheral nerve tumor removal — ≈ $1,488
  • Brachial plexus surgery — ≈ $4,629
  • Epidural block — ≈ $251
  • Facet joint injection — ≈ $198
  • Facial nerve repair — ≈ $769
  • Intrathecal pain pump — ≈ $1,536
  • Nerve decompression surgery — ≈ $869
  • Nerve graft repair — ≈ $2,182
  • Peripheral nerve repair — $794
  • Surgical neurolysis — ≈ $309

Orthopedic surgery

  • Acromioclavicular joint reconstruction — ≈ $2,244
  • Arthrocentesis — ≈ $268
  • Arthroscopic biceps tenodesis — ≈ $1,282
  • Arthroscopic elbow debridement — ≈ $558
  • Arthroscopic labrum refixation surgery — ≈ $2,179
  • Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair — ≈ $1,194
  • Arthroscopic shoulder remplissage procedure — ≈ $2,386
  • Bankart shoulder repair surgery — ≈ $1,337
  • Biceps tenotomy — ≈ $2,032
  • Carpal tunnel surgery — $549
  • Clavicle osteosynthesis — ≈ $2,501
  • Corticosteroid injections of joints and soft tissues — $0
  • Cubital tunnel syndrome surgery — $1,140
  • De Quervain's tendon release — ≈ $421
  • Distal biceps tendon repair surgery — ≈ $2,110
  • Dupuytren's contracture surgery — $932
  • Elbow arthroscopy — ≈ $718
  • Elbow fracture surgery — ≈ $1,380
  • Elbow osteotomy — ≈ $1,868
  • Finger reconstruction — ≈ $1,876
  • Forearm fasciotomy — ≈ $1,949
  • Forearm fracture surgery — ≈ $1,368
  • Frozen shoulder surgery — ≈ $2,004
  • Guyon's canal release — ≈ $582
  • Hand ganglion cyst removal — $549
  • Hand rejuvenation with structural fat grafting — ≈ $2,939
  • Hand surgery — ≈ $2,239
  • Hand tendon surgery — ≈ $974
  • Humerus fracture surgical treatment — ≈ $1,870
  • Hyaluronic acid injection into the joint — ≈ $248
  • Interphalangeal joint arthrodesis — ≈ $2,454
  • Latarjet procedure — ≈ $2,564
  • Mallet finger surgery — ≈ $937
  • Mumford procedure — ≈ $2,078
  • Orthokine therapy — ≈ $1,039
  • Osteomyelitis surgical treatment — $932
  • Outerbridge-Kashiwagi procedure — ≈ $1,826
  • Phalangeal fractures surgery — ≈ $1,938
  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection into the ligament/joint — $314
  • Pronator teres syndrome treatment — $1,140
  • Radial head excision — ≈ $1,322
  • Radial head fracture surgery — ≈ $2,094
  • Rotator cuff repair — ≈ $1,792
  • SLAP repair surgery — ≈ $4,658
  • Scaphoid pseudarthrosis reconstruction — ≈ $1,929
  • Shoulder arthroscopy — ≈ $1,194
  • Shoulder osteotomy — ≈ $1,877
  • Shoulder stabilisation surgery — ≈ $536
  • Shoulder subacromial decompression surgery — ≈ $1,097
  • Surgical treatment of elbow instability — ≈ $1,897
  • Tennis elbow surgery — ≈ $939
  • Tommy John surgery — ≈ $1,419
  • Trapeziectomy — ≈ $1,969
  • Trigger finger release — ≈ $459
  • Wrist arthroscopy — ≈ $2,572
  • Wrist fracture surgery — $980
  • Wrist ligament repair — ≈ $2,537
  • Wrist synovectomy — ≈ $313


  • Breast reconstruction after mastectomy — ≈ $1,504
  • Cervical lymphadenectomy — ≈ $4,897
  • Cryotherapy for skin lesions — ≈ $1,168
  • Floor of mouth cancer resection — ≈ $1,331
  • Hemiglossectomy — ≈ $277
  • Laser therapy for skin lesions — ≈ $345
  • Lip resection — ≈ $4,563
  • Mandibular resection — ≈ $1,545
  • Mandibular resection + Reconstruction — ≈ $5,347
  • Melanoma surgical removal — ≈ $4,174
  • Mohs surgery — ≈ $1,576
  • Oral cancer surgery — ≈ $10,580
  • Parotidectomy — ≈ $1,955
  • Removal of benign skin lesions — ≈ $103
  • Skin cancer surgery — ≈ $312
  • Soft tissue tumor removal — ≈ $3,651
  • Submandibular gland resection — ≈ $224
  • Total glossectomy — ≈ $655
  • Total glossectomy + Reconstruction — $0

Prices for selected procedures, total
Price, USD
≈ $1,488
≈ $4,629
≈ $251
≈ $198
≈ $769
≈ $1,536
≈ $869
≈ $2,182
≈ $309
Orthopedic surgery
Price, USD
≈ $2,244
≈ $268
≈ $1,282
≈ $558
≈ $2,179
≈ $1,194
≈ $2,386
≈ $1,337
≈ $2,032
≈ $2,501
by request
≈ $421
≈ $2,110
≈ $718
≈ $1,380
≈ $1,868
≈ $1,876
≈ $1,949
≈ $1,368
≈ $2,004
≈ $582
≈ $2,939
≈ $2,239
≈ $974
≈ $1,870
≈ $248
≈ $2,454
≈ $2,564
≈ $937
≈ $2,078
≈ $1,039
≈ $1,826
≈ $1,938
≈ $1,322
≈ $2,094
≈ $1,792
≈ $4,658
≈ $1,929
≈ $1,194
≈ $1,877
≈ $536
≈ $1,097
≈ $1,897
≈ $939
≈ $1,419
≈ $1,969
≈ $459
≈ $2,572
≈ $2,537
≈ $313
Price, USD
≈ $1,504
≈ $4,897
≈ $1,168
≈ $1,331
≈ $277
≈ $345
≈ $4,563
≈ $1,545
≈ $5,347
≈ $4,174
≈ $1,576
≈ $10,580
≈ $1,955
≈ $103
≈ $312
≈ $3,651
≈ $224
≈ $655
by request
Overall rating: 3
February 28, 2018
I like it your good job
Overall rating: 3
February 07, 2023
I will tell you a specific situation about the feelings after meeting with a plastic surgery doctor in this clinic. The wife decided to have breast plastic surgery. Went to the doctor for a visit or consultation. Considering that neither I nor my wife had experience in such matters, nothing was known about what visual volume the grams of specific implants correspond to. The wife decided to use a picture taken from the Internet to show how much she would like. But the doctor said that he would put so and so grams, because you can't put more on the specific body geometry. He could not answer the question whether there will be +/- as in the picture, and then at home after studying the pictures with the inserted volumes that he offered for the operation, we realized that there will be no changes at all after the operation. Then we decided that we will go to the time of the surgery together and before the surgery we will say again that the wife wants much bigger grams with implants, as was mentioned. Because I didn't believe it could be done until I heard it from at least 2-3 doctors. So we refused the operation on the morning of the operation, because the doctor said that it is physically impossible to do what we want. Then we applied for consultations at another clinic, because I wanted to hear it from other doctors as well. When visiting the next clinic, the doctor said that there were no problems (the clinic is considered highly professional and experienced - I will not mention it specifically); The doctor said there are no problems on the specifically mentioned amount. In addition, what the wife wanted was not the maximum possible size that can be done. After the operation, I can say on behalf of my wife that everything is perfect and the result is perfect. In any case, I do not question the professionalism of the doctors of this clinic in any way, simply, if you cannot do what the person asks of you, then you need to answer immediately, and we will move on. Because there is no point in investing a lot of money if there is practically no change from the existing situation afterwards. If you take a step in this direction, I would definitely recommend going to a consultation with at least 2-3 doctors and then draw conclusions. I will give 3 points for the fact that I know that the clinic has professional high-quality specialists, but a minus for the fact that after the consultation you do not know whether it will be ok or not. Can do what you want or not. Not specific.
Overall rating: 5
April 12, 2023
Very positive experience at this clinic. The staff showed care, high professionalism and interest in me as a patient. Easy to find and reach with your own vehicle. Special thanks to Dr. Tikhonov for the operation! ❤️
Brīvības gatve 410, 2. floor Riga, Latvia
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Flight Tickets
One way
1 adult
No children
Tue, 04/23
Direct flight $0.00
Indirect flight $0.00
Tue, 04/30
Direct flight $0.00
Indirect flight $0.00
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