Clinic Hospital Cantoblanco in Madrid

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The Cantoblanco Hospital is located in a natural setting on the Valdelatas mountain. It was built at the beginning of the 20th century as the first sanatorium for poor tuberculosis patients in Madrid, receiving the name of Victoria Eugenia Royal Popular Antitubercular Sanatorium.The Hospitalization Services Portfolio covers the specialties of: Internal Medicine, Geriatrics, Pulmonology, Rehabilitation, Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery. In the San Ramón, San Luis and Surgical Pavilions on the ground floor, the hospital has outpatient consultations for different specialties: Anesthesia, Digestive, Geriatrics, Internal Medicine, Pulmonology, Neurology, Rehabilitation and Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery, as well as an area for Radiodiagnosis and an extraction and pre-analytical area. Currently and since 2005, the Cantoblanco Hospital is integrated into the La Paz University Hospital.


Orthopedic surgery

  • Achilles tendon repair surgery — ≈ $4,942
  • Ankle arthrodesis — ≈ $6,624
  • Ankle fracture surgery — ≈ $4,489
  • Ankle ligament reconstruction surgery — ≈ $5,312
  • Ankle osteophyte removal — ≈ $1,901
  • Ankle osteotomy — ≈ $7,942
  • Arthrocentesis — ≈ $620
  • Arthroscopic capsular release of the ankle joint — ≈ $4,238
  • Arthroscopic chondroplasty — ≈ $6,607
  • Arthroscopic jumper's knee surgery — ≈ $4,125
  • Arthroscopic knee debridement — ≈ $5,599
  • Arthroscopic meniscus repair — ≈ $7,526
  • Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy — ≈ $5,454
  • Arthroscopic reconstruction of the knee ligament — ≈ $7,882
  • Arthroscopic reconstruction of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) — ≈ $6,882
  • Arthroscopic synovectomy of the knee joint — ≈ $4,494
  • Arthroscopic total meniscectomy — ≈ $5,963
  • Arthroscopic treatment of prepatellar bursitis — ≈ $3,125
  • Arthroscopic trochanter bursitis surgery — ≈ $3,756
  • Baker's cyst surgery — ≈ $2,591
  • Bow legs surgery — ≈ $3,473
  • Carpal tunnel surgery — ≈ $2,715
  • Claw toe surgery — ≈ $2,996
  • Clubfoot surgical treatment — ≈ $2,661
  • Complex foot surgery — ≈ $6,133
  • De Quervain's tendon release — ≈ $2,066
  • Delayed osteosynthesis — ≈ $9,922
  • Dupuytren's contracture surgery — ≈ $2,490
  • External fixation — ≈ $1,201
  • Fasciotomy of the lower limb — ≈ $4,643
  • Femoral osteotomy — ≈ $6,392
  • Finger reconstruction — ≈ $3,665
  • First metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis — ≈ $4,849
  • Foot and ankle arthroscopy — ≈ $5,385
  • Foot and ankle tendon surgery — ≈ $3,345
  • Foot arthrodesis — ≈ $4,478
  • Foot deformity correction — ≈ $4,770
  • Foot drop surgery — ≈ $7,253
  • Foot ganglion cyst removal — ≈ $2,238
  • Forearm fracture surgery — ≈ $3,215
  • Guyon's canal release — ≈ $2,002
  • Haglund's deformity surgery — ≈ $4,214
  • Hallux rigidus surgery — ≈ $2,395
  • Hallux valgus surgery — ≈ $4,874
  • Hammer toe surgery — ≈ $2,145
  • Hamstring syndrome surgery — ≈ $4,060
  • Hand ganglion cyst removal — ≈ $2,010
  • Hand rejuvenation with structural fat grafting — ≈ $5,329
  • Hand surgery — ≈ $6,197
  • Hand tendon surgery — ≈ $1,924
  • Heel bursectomy — ≈ $3,483
  • High tibial osteotomy — ≈ $8,876
  • Hindfoot fracture surgery — ≈ $5,603
  • Hip arthrodesis — ≈ $5,447
  • Hip arthroscopy — ≈ $7,967
  • Hip core decompression — ≈ $6,314
  • Hip debridement surgery — $0
  • Hip fracture surgery — ≈ $6,725
  • Hip osteotomy — ≈ $7,638
  • Hip surgery — ≈ $14,093
  • Interphalangeal joint arthrodesis — ≈ $6,384
  • Intramedullary nailing — ≈ $3,958
  • Joint dislocation reduction — ≈ $5,382
  • Kidner procedure — ≈ $1,635
  • Knee arthroscopy — ≈ $4,489
  • Knee osteotomy — ≈ $9,352
  • Lapidus arthrodesis — ≈ $10,306
  • Mallet finger surgery — ≈ $2,228
  • Mallet toe surgery — ≈ $2,755
  • Morton’s neuroma surgery — ≈ $2,671
  • Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) — ≈ $6,102
  • Orthopedic surgery for cerebral palsy — $0
  • Osgood–Schlatter disease (OSD) surgery — ≈ $2,167
  • Osteosynthesis — ≈ $6,323
  • Partial patellectomy — ≈ $4,805
  • Patella fracture surgery — ≈ $3,852
  • Patella stabilisation surgery — ≈ $5,976
  • Pediatric arthroscopy — $0
  • Percutaneous pinning — ≈ $3,457
  • Piriformis syndrome surgery — ≈ $2,877
  • Plantar fasciitis surgery — ≈ $2,334
  • Polydactyly surgery — ≈ $2,987
  • Quadriceps tendon reconstruction — ≈ $9,428
  • Quadricepsplasty — ≈ $12,287
  • Removal of external fixator — ≈ $677
  • Removal of osteosynthetic material — $0
  • Revision Achilles tendon reconstruction — ≈ $8,198
  • Running injuries surgical treatment — ≈ $2,240
  • Scaphoid pseudarthrosis reconstruction — ≈ $3,363
  • Sternal fracture treatment — ≈ $3,941
  • Surgery for hip impingement — ≈ $6,525
  • Surgical Treatments for Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease — ≈ $4,413
  • Surgical treatment of congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia — ≈ $16,424
  • Surgical treatment of hip dysplasia — ≈ $4,483
  • Surgical treatment of non-unions — ≈ $7,299
  • Syndactyly surgery — ≈ $8,038
  • Tailor's bunion surgery — ≈ $3,961
  • Tarsal coalition surgery — $0
  • Tarsal tunnel surgery — ≈ $2,541
  • Toe joint arthroscopy — ≈ $5,797
  • Toe shortening surgery — ≈ $2,228
  • Total patellectomy — ≈ $2,927
  • Trapeziectomy — ≈ $4,284
  • Trigger finger release — ≈ $1,745
  • Weil osteotomy surgery — ≈ $2,145
  • Wrist arthroscopy — ≈ $5,008
  • Wrist fracture surgery — ≈ $4,354
  • Wrist ligament repair — ≈ $6,081
  • Wrist synovectomy — ≈ $667

Spine surgery

  • Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) — ≈ $14,173
  • Anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) — ≈ $11,380
  • Atlantoaxial fixation — ≈ $13,550
  • Cervical fusion — ≈ $9,451
  • Cervical laminectomy — ≈ $9,397
  • Corpectomy + Spinal stabilisation — ≈ $13,189
  • Device for intervertebral assisted motion (DIAM) — $0
  • Discectomy — ≈ $10,772
  • Foraminotomy — ≈ $4,926
  • Instrumented spine stabilization — ≈ $20,014
  • Interspinous fixation with implant — ≈ $13,093
  • Laminectomy — ≈ $12,136
  • Laminoplasty — ≈ $11,158
  • Lateral access lumbar fusion — $0
  • Lumbar fixation — ≈ $17,728
  • Lumbar laminectomy — ≈ $9,568
  • Lumbosacral plexus surgery — ≈ $17,296
  • Occipitocervical fusion surgery — ≈ $14,706
  • Percutaneous pedicle screw fixation — ≈ $6,711
  • Posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) — ≈ $10,212
  • Spinal cord herniation surgery — $0
  • Spinal synovial cyst removal — ≈ $490
  • Spine dynamic stabilization — ≈ $6,984
  • Surgical spine procedures — ≈ $17,015
  • Tailbone removal — $0
  • Thoracic discectomy — ≈ $10,029
  • Thoracic laminectomy — ≈ $6,110
  • Thoracic spine fixation — ≈ $6,115
  • Transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) — ≈ $15,113


  • Pelvic bone resection — ≈ $7,137
  • Soft tissue tumor removal — ≈ $7,223
  • Surgery for bone cancer — ≈ $9,173

Prices for selected procedures, total
Orthopedic surgery
Price, USD
≈ $4,942
≈ $6,624
≈ $4,489
≈ $5,312
≈ $1,901
≈ $7,942
≈ $620
≈ $4,238
≈ $6,607
≈ $4,125
≈ $5,599
≈ $7,526
≈ $5,454
≈ $7,882
≈ $6,882
≈ $4,494
≈ $5,963
≈ $3,125
≈ $3,756
≈ $2,591
≈ $3,473
≈ $2,715
≈ $2,996
≈ $2,661
≈ $6,133
≈ $2,066
≈ $9,922
≈ $2,490
≈ $1,201
≈ $4,643
≈ $6,392
≈ $3,665
≈ $4,849
≈ $5,385
≈ $3,345
≈ $4,478
≈ $4,770
≈ $7,253
≈ $2,238
≈ $3,215
≈ $2,002
≈ $4,214
≈ $2,395
≈ $4,874
≈ $2,145
≈ $4,060
≈ $2,010
≈ $5,329
≈ $6,197
≈ $1,924
≈ $3,483
≈ $8,876
≈ $5,603
≈ $5,447
≈ $7,967
≈ $6,314
by request
≈ $6,725
≈ $7,638
≈ $14,093
≈ $6,384
≈ $3,958
≈ $5,382
≈ $1,635
≈ $4,489
≈ $9,352
≈ $10,306
≈ $2,228
≈ $2,755
≈ $2,671
≈ $6,102
by request
≈ $2,167
≈ $6,323
≈ $4,805
≈ $3,852
≈ $5,976
by request
≈ $3,457
≈ $2,877
≈ $2,334
≈ $2,987
≈ $9,428
≈ $12,287
≈ $677
by request
≈ $8,198
≈ $2,240
≈ $3,363
≈ $3,941
≈ $6,525
≈ $4,413
≈ $16,424
≈ $4,483
≈ $7,299
≈ $8,038
≈ $3,961
by request
≈ $2,541
≈ $5,797
≈ $2,228
≈ $2,927
≈ $4,284
≈ $1,745
≈ $2,145
≈ $5,008
≈ $4,354
≈ $6,081
≈ $667
Spine surgery
Price, USD
≈ $14,173
≈ $11,380
≈ $13,550
≈ $9,451
≈ $9,397
≈ $13,189
by request
≈ $10,772
≈ $4,926
≈ $20,014
≈ $13,093
≈ $12,136
≈ $11,158
by request
≈ $17,728
≈ $9,568
≈ $17,296
≈ $14,706
≈ $6,711
≈ $10,212
by request
≈ $490
≈ $6,984
≈ $17,015
by request
≈ $10,029
≈ $6,110
≈ $6,115
≈ $15,113
Price, USD
≈ $7,137
≈ $7,223
≈ $9,173
Overall rating: 5
June 22, 2023
They transferred me from La Paz and it is the best thing that could have happened to me. I have spent a week in the isolation unit and I can say that the facilities are very good surrounded by green areas to make the days as good as possible, but I do want to make a special mention of all the staff who have cared for me, helped me and helped me. They have treated you in that special way! I will be eternally grateful to all the staff (from cleaning, nurses, custodians to doctor/s) it is easy to see when someone does their job well they really want to, in this case they also put a lot of heart into it! I hope your supervisors see it and take it into account because these people have earned heaven!
Overall rating: 1
September 11, 2023
Regarding the San Luis pavilion. The morning shift staff is extraordinary but on the afternoon shift there is a blonde Andalusian nurse named Lupe, a bad professional. He does not allow companions to remain with the sick. This lady prevents you from giving love and affection to your loved ones. Very poorly managed by this person, the hospital gets a bad look for her.
Overall rating: 5
September 26, 2023
I wanted to express my enormous gratitude. to the colonoscopy and endoscopy team who worked today 09/26/23 for the treatment received by the doctor, anesthetist, and nursing staff. Etc. I wouldn't want to leave anyone without congratulating them. Thank you so much everyone
Carr. de Canto Blanco, 2 Madrid, Spain
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Tue, 09/17
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Tue, 09/24
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