Clinic PEST – Swiss Premium Medical Center in Budapest

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Our medical center awaits patients on two levels next to the Westend Shopping Center. There are on-site ultrasound and X-ray diagnostics for the convenience of our customers and thorough diagnosis. We are waiting for those who want to recover with 20 specialist clinics and always kind, helpful colleagues.


Vascular surgery



  • Colon polypectomy — $1,145
  • Removal of benign skin lesions — $164-1,303

Orthopedic surgery

  • Achilles tendon repair surgery — ≈ $2,499
  • Acromioclavicular joint reconstruction — ≈ $2,615
  • Ankle arthrodesis — ≈ $3,280
  • Ankle fracture surgery — ≈ $2,391
  • Ankle ligament reconstruction surgery — ≈ $2,358
  • Ankle osteophyte removal — ≈ $1,004
  • Ankle osteotomy — ≈ $3,460
  • Arthrocentesis — $59-112
  • Arthroscopic adhesiolysis of the knee joint — $0
  • Arthroscopic arthrolysis — ≈ $1,998
  • Arthroscopic biceps tenodesis — ≈ $1,535
  • Arthroscopic capsular release of the ankle joint — ≈ $1,794
  • Arthroscopic chondroplasty — ≈ $2,356
  • Arthroscopic elbow debridement — ≈ $628
  • Arthroscopic knee debridement — ≈ $1,543
  • Arthroscopic labrum refixation surgery — ≈ $1,641
  • Arthroscopic loose bodies removal — $868
  • Arthroscopic meniscus repair — ≈ $1,704
  • Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy — ≈ $2,590
  • Arthroscopic reconstruction of the knee ligament — ≈ $1,934
  • Arthroscopic reconstruction of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) — ≈ $2,628
  • Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair — ≈ $3,761
  • Arthroscopic shoulder remplissage procedure — ≈ $2,716
  • Arthroscopic synovectomy of the knee joint — ≈ $2,033
  • Arthroscopic total meniscectomy — ≈ $2,891
  • Arthroscopic treatment of prepatellar bursitis — $789
  • Baker's cyst surgery — ≈ $2,033
  • Bankart shoulder repair surgery — ≈ $3,726
  • Biceps tenotomy — ≈ $1,957
  • Carpal tunnel surgery — $1,086
  • Clavicle osteosynthesis — ≈ $2,502
  • Claw toe surgery — ≈ $1,433
  • Closed reduction — ≈ $1,391
  • Clubfoot surgical treatment — ≈ $296
  • Complex foot surgery — ≈ $1,138
  • Corticosteroid injections of joints and soft tissues — $59-112
  • Cubital tunnel syndrome surgery — $1,540
  • De Quervain's tendon release — ≈ $526
  • Delayed osteosynthesis — ≈ $4,681
  • Diagnostic arthroscopy — ≈ $1,178
  • Distal biceps tendon repair surgery — ≈ $2,693
  • Dupuytren's contracture surgery — $987
  • Elbow arthroscopy — ≈ $2,161
  • Elbow fracture surgery — ≈ $1,351
  • Elbow osteotomy — ≈ $2,110
  • External fixation — ≈ $591
  • Fasciotomy of the lower limb — ≈ $1,784
  • Finger reconstruction — ≈ $1,789
  • First metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis — ≈ $2,179
  • Foot and ankle arthroscopy — $1,026
  • Foot and ankle tendon surgery — ≈ $1,643
  • Foot arthrodesis — ≈ $2,692
  • Foot deformity correction — ≈ $2,437
  • Foot drop surgery — ≈ $3,686
  • Foot ganglion cyst removal — $671-868
  • Forearm fasciotomy — ≈ $2,071
  • Forearm fracture surgery — ≈ $1,487
  • Frozen shoulder surgery — ≈ $1,872
  • Guyon's canal release — $1,086
  • Haglund's deformity surgery — ≈ $1,826
  • Hallux rigidus surgery — ≈ $885
  • Hallux valgus surgery — ≈ $1,547
  • Hammer toe surgery — $632-987
  • Hand ganglion cyst removal — $671-868
  • Hand rejuvenation with structural fat grafting — ≈ $2,396
  • Hand surgery — ≈ $1,664
  • Hand tendon surgery — ≈ $1,050
  • Heel bursectomy — ≈ $1,520
  • High tibial osteotomy — ≈ $2,859
  • Hindfoot fracture surgery — ≈ $2,840
  • Humerus fracture surgical treatment — ≈ $2,237
  • Hyaluronic acid injection into the joint — ≈ $223
  • Interphalangeal joint arthrodesis — ≈ $2,588
  • Intramedullary nailing — ≈ $2,011
  • Joint dislocation reduction — ≈ $2,581
  • Kidner procedure — ≈ $883
  • Knee arthroscopy — $1,026
  • Knee osteotomy — ≈ $2,859
  • Lapidus arthrodesis — ≈ $3,712
  • Latarjet procedure — ≈ $2,311
  • Mallet finger surgery — ≈ $995
  • Mallet toe surgery — ≈ $1,386
  • Morton’s neuroma surgery — ≈ $1,214
  • Mumford procedure — ≈ $2,239
  • Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) — ≈ $2,612
  • Orthokine therapy — ≈ $1,229
  • Osteosynthesis — ≈ $3,053
  • Outerbridge-Kashiwagi procedure — ≈ $1,748
  • Partial patellectomy — ≈ $2,418
  • Patella fracture surgery — ≈ $1,973
  • Patella stabilisation surgery — ≈ $2,828
  • Percutaneous pinning — ≈ $1,482
  • Peroneal tendon surgery — ≈ $1,747
  • Phalangeal fractures surgery — ≈ $2,317
  • Plantar fasciitis surgery — ≈ $1,319
  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection into the ligament/joint — ≈ $263
  • Posterior interosseous nerve release — ≈ $1,140
  • Pronator teres syndrome treatment — ≈ $1,003
  • Quadriceps tendon reconstruction — ≈ $3,865
  • Quadricepsplasty — ≈ $4,425
  • Radial head excision — ≈ $1,633
  • Radial head fracture surgery — ≈ $2,398
  • Removal of external fixator — ≈ $385
  • Removal of osteosynthetic material — from $513
  • Revision Achilles tendon reconstruction — ≈ $4,125
  • Rotator cuff repair — ≈ $2,146
  • SLAP repair surgery — ≈ $4,114
  • Scaphoid pseudarthrosis reconstruction — ≈ $1,645
  • Shoulder arthrodesis — ≈ $2,961
  • Shoulder arthroscopy — ≈ $1,865
  • Shoulder osteotomy — ≈ $2,043
  • Shoulder stabilisation surgery — ≈ $2,161
  • Shoulder subacromial decompression surgery — ≈ $1,965
  • Sternal fracture treatment — ≈ $2,166
  • Surgical treatment of elbow instability — ≈ $2,099
  • Surgical treatment of non-unions — ≈ $2,026
  • Tailor's bunion surgery — ≈ $1,543
  • Tarsal coalition surgery — $0
  • Tarsal tunnel surgery — ≈ $1,433
  • Tennis elbow surgery — ≈ $526
  • Tibia osteosynthesis — ≈ $1,468
  • Toe joint arthroscopy — ≈ $2,517
  • Toe shortening surgery — ≈ $1,204
  • Tommy John surgery — ≈ $1,492
  • Total patellectomy — ≈ $1,255
  • Trapeziectomy — ≈ $1,645
  • Triceps tendon repair — ≈ $1,034
  • Trigger finger release — $434
  • Weil osteotomy surgery — ≈ $1,543
  • Wrist arthrodesis — ≈ $1,823
  • Wrist arthroscopy — ≈ $2,381
  • Wrist fracture surgery — ≈ $1,887
  • Wrist ligament repair — ≈ $2,725
  • Wrist synovectomy — ≈ $356

Prices for selected procedures, total
Vascular surgery
Price, USD
Price, USD
Price, USD
Orthopedic surgery
Price, USD
≈ $2,499
≈ $2,615
≈ $3,280
≈ $2,391
≈ $2,358
≈ $1,004
≈ $3,460
by request
≈ $1,998
≈ $1,535
≈ $1,794
≈ $2,356
≈ $628
≈ $1,543
≈ $1,641
≈ $1,704
≈ $2,590
≈ $1,934
≈ $2,628
≈ $3,761
≈ $2,716
≈ $2,033
≈ $2,891
≈ $2,033
≈ $3,726
≈ $1,957
≈ $2,502
≈ $1,433
≈ $1,391
≈ $296
≈ $1,138
≈ $526
≈ $4,681
≈ $1,178
≈ $2,693
≈ $2,161
≈ $1,351
≈ $2,110
≈ $591
≈ $1,784
≈ $1,789
≈ $2,179
≈ $1,643
≈ $2,692
≈ $2,437
≈ $3,686
≈ $2,071
≈ $1,487
≈ $1,872
≈ $1,826
≈ $885
≈ $1,547
≈ $2,396
≈ $1,664
≈ $1,050
≈ $1,520
≈ $2,859
≈ $2,840
≈ $2,237
≈ $223
≈ $2,588
≈ $2,011
≈ $2,581
≈ $883
≈ $2,859
≈ $3,712
≈ $2,311
≈ $995
≈ $1,386
≈ $1,214
≈ $2,239
≈ $2,612
≈ $1,229
≈ $3,053
≈ $1,748
≈ $2,418
≈ $1,973
≈ $2,828
≈ $1,482
≈ $1,747
≈ $2,317
≈ $1,319
≈ $263
≈ $1,140
≈ $1,003
≈ $3,865
≈ $4,425
≈ $1,633
≈ $2,398
≈ $385
from $513
≈ $4,125
≈ $2,146
≈ $4,114
≈ $1,645
≈ $2,961
≈ $1,865
≈ $2,043
≈ $2,161
≈ $1,965
≈ $2,166
≈ $2,099
≈ $2,026
≈ $1,543
by request
≈ $1,433
≈ $526
≈ $1,468
≈ $2,517
≈ $1,204
≈ $1,492
≈ $1,255
≈ $1,645
≈ $1,034
≈ $1,543
≈ $1,823
≈ $2,381
≈ $1,887
≈ $2,725
≈ $356
Overall rating: 5
July 07, 2022
I d like to express my gratitude to Dr. Kázmer who performed a small operation on me. I had a very acute case and he performed it there right on the spot, so, that I felt pain only from anaesthesia. Afterwards, my wound is healing nicely. He was very polite, competent and spoke a good English. I had to change 2 Hungarian doctors before him who refused to treat me at all (I had a severe pus inflammation). I would definitely visit Swiss clinic again!
Overall rating: 1
March 22, 2023
Booked an appointment, got a queue number but the assistant called the next person after me despite that I even waited 20 mins on top of my schedule appointment. I expect better queue handling in private than public.
Overall rating: 1
March 26, 2023
If it’s possible to give minus I would do that. I have the most horrible experience in my live. I have an issue with my foot for 4 months. During this period of time I visited THREE(!) different doctors here. The first one gave me incorrect diagnosis, didn’t pay attention to my words and refused to assign me to XRay or Ultrasound or something because (and I quote) ‘Among us only I have medical education’, so I should take her words and leave. Rude and absolutely disrespectful. I booked another appointment and it was pretty nice experience, the doctor assigned me XRay and Ultrasound examinations, proved incorrect diagnosis of the first doctor. I followed the treatment and did physio, but nothing has significantly changed. She said we were not leave it like this and assigned me to MRI examination and advised to see orthopaedic surgeon (huge thanks to her for that). I did an MRI examination which showed a lot of interesting things which I had to google myself as the third doctor didn’t check the scans! He pointed all my issues were because of my weight and I should loose it and it would be fine, but he couldn’t do anything and didn’t have any other plan for me apart from exercise to loose weight and use specific soles. He also made some assumptions about my health and was a bit surprised I didn’t have other issues. Again, he didn’t check scans, just read a brief summary, said I didn’t have any tears in my ligaments (ultrasound and MRI both said different) and actually it’s chronic (how come as I never have any issues before. Never) When I asked why it happened on a first place as nothing changed (no injuries no weight gain no anything I could notice) and why after almost four months of a treatment I had even worse symptoms now there were no reply apart from a lecture about different types of inflammation and that I used my leg every day. No treatment plan, just wait at least three months as other patients dealt with it for a year or two, it won’t be healed in a week (yeah, but it 4 months, sure). He also made a steroid injection and didn’t inform that I have to pay for it separately. When I was practically at home I got a call asking how come I didn’t pay and go away? Well, to pay for something you actually need to be informed about it, no? (The reception girl was nice, no complaints). Overall THE WORST experience ever. Waste of time money and nerves.
1132 Váci út 30. Budapest, Hungary
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Tue, 09/17
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Tue, 09/24
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