Clinic KRAGES - Landeskrankenhaus, Güssing in Güssing

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The general public hospital in Güssing is the southernmost KRAGES location. It was founded more than 120 years ago and today has the task of standard care for the districts of Güssing and Jennersdorf. Going beyond that, medical care is strongly focused on the older generation – from about 2023 with a department of acute geriatrics/remobilization. The only rheumatology clinic in Burgenland is in Güssing. In combination with acute geriatrics and remobilization as well as with the in-house orthopedics, the location becomes a treatment center for the musculoskeletal system. Internal medicine focuses on the treatment of diabetes mellitus and metabolic disorders. The Pannonia-Süd breast health center is also located in Güssing, as an “affiliate partner” of the Vienna General Hospital. It specializes in the diagnosis and therapy of mammary carcinoma (breast cancer). The focus of orthopedics is on endoprosthetics (hip and knee joint replacement). Therapeutic services include: physiotherapy, dietetics and clinical psychology. A total of 106 beds are available in the KH Güssing. Almost 340 employees from the professional groups of medicine, care, therapy, technology and administration are currently employed in the house.

Cooperation for Transparency and Quality in Healthcare
Austrian Society for Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Vascular surgery

  • Bilateral varicose veins surgery — ≈ $3,889
  • Catheter-directed sclerotherapy (CDS) (Bilateral) — ≈ $2,036
  • Catheter-directed sclerotherapy (CDS) (Unilateral) — ≈ $1,075
  • Crossectomy — ≈ $2,463
  • Crossectomy + Saphenous vein ligation and stripping + Side vein surgery — ≈ $3,954
  • Crossectomy and side vein surgery — ≈ $5,270
  • Cryosurgery of varicose veins — ≈ $4,421
  • Endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) for varicose vein (Bilateral) — ≈ $6,491
  • Endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) for varicose vein (Unilateral) — ≈ $4,149
  • Foam sclerotherapy (Bilateral) — ≈ $1,457
  • Foam sclerotherapy (Unilateral) — ≈ $2,060
  • Hybrid varicose veins treatment (open+endovascular) — $0
  • Laser treatment for spider veins — ≈ $981
  • Ligation of incompetent perforator veins — ≈ $1,004
  • Mechanochemical Ablation (MOCA) — ≈ $2,748
  • Phlebectomy (including mini-phleboctomy) — ≈ $2,774
  • Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) for varicose veins (Bilateral) — ≈ $4,160
  • Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) for varicose veins (Unilateral) — ≈ $2,768
  • Spider vein sclerotherapy — ≈ $764
  • Unilateral varicose veins surgery — ≈ $5,224
  • Varicose vein stripping (Unilateral) — ≈ $5,474
  • Varicose veins treatment — ≈ $8,205
  • Venaseal glue therapy of varicose vein (Bilateral) — ≈ $6,527
  • Venaseal glue therapy of varicose vein (Unilateral) — ≈ $5,077

Orthopedic surgery

  • Achilles tendon repair surgery — ≈ $7,460
  • Acromioclavicular joint reconstruction — ≈ $9,112
  • Ankle arthrodesis — ≈ $9,389
  • Ankle fracture surgery — ≈ $6,281
  • Ankle ligament reconstruction surgery — ≈ $8,548
  • Ankle osteophyte removal — ≈ $2,673
  • Ankle osteotomy — ≈ $12,632
  • Arthrocentesis — ≈ $1,003
  • Arthroscopic adhesiolysis of the knee joint — $0
  • Arthroscopic arthrolysis — ≈ $3,212
  • Arthroscopic biceps tenodesis — ≈ $2,978
  • Arthroscopic capsular release of the ankle joint — ≈ $5,728
  • Arthroscopic elbow debridement — ≈ $1,251
  • Arthroscopic labrum refixation surgery — ≈ $5,315
  • Arthroscopic loose bodies removal — ≈ $3,229
  • Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair — ≈ $11,161
  • Arthroscopic shoulder remplissage procedure — ≈ $6,517
  • Bankart shoulder repair surgery — ≈ $10,572
  • Biceps tenotomy — ≈ $5,098
  • Carpal tunnel surgery — ≈ $2,261
  • Clavicle osteosynthesis — ≈ $8,138
  • Claw toe surgery — ≈ $4,233
  • Clubfoot surgical treatment — ≈ $3,563
  • Complex foot surgery — ≈ $7,616
  • Cubital tunnel syndrome surgery — ≈ $3,355
  • De Quervain's tendon release — ≈ $2,864
  • Delayed osteosynthesis — ≈ $13,085
  • Diagnostic arthroscopy — ≈ $4,415
  • Distal biceps tendon repair surgery — ≈ $6,663
  • Dupuytren's contracture surgery — ≈ $3,363
  • Elbow arthroscopy — ≈ $6,334
  • Elbow fracture surgery — ≈ $3,954
  • Elbow osteotomy — ≈ $6,358
  • External fixation — ≈ $1,323
  • Finger reconstruction — ≈ $4,318
  • First metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis — ≈ $7,189
  • Foot and ankle arthroscopy — ≈ $7,838
  • Foot and ankle tendon surgery — ≈ $4,595
  • Foot arthrodesis — ≈ $5,799
  • Foot deformity correction — ≈ $6,735
  • Foot drop surgery — ≈ $9,879
  • Foot ganglion cyst removal — ≈ $2,856
  • Forearm fasciotomy — ≈ $7,799
  • Forearm fracture surgery — ≈ $4,154
  • Frozen shoulder surgery — ≈ $4,548
  • Guyon's canal release — ≈ $2,743
  • Haglund's deformity surgery — ≈ $6,326
  • Hallux rigidus surgery — ≈ $2,975
  • Hallux valgus surgery — ≈ $7,204
  • Hammer toe surgery — ≈ $3,005
  • Hand ganglion cyst removal — ≈ $2,886
  • Hand rejuvenation with structural fat grafting — ≈ $5,516
  • Hand surgery — ≈ $7,322
  • Hand tendon surgery — ≈ $2,665
  • Heel bursectomy — ≈ $3,673
  • Hindfoot fracture surgery — ≈ $1,420
  • Humerus fracture surgical treatment — ≈ $4,154
  • Interphalangeal joint arthrodesis — ≈ $8,500
  • Intramedullary nailing — ≈ $5,170
  • Joint dislocation reduction — ≈ $8,175
  • Kidner procedure — ≈ $2,118
  • Lapidus arthrodesis — ≈ $13,977
  • Latarjet procedure — ≈ $5,452
  • Mallet finger surgery — ≈ $3,363
  • Mallet toe surgery — ≈ $3,751
  • Morton’s neuroma surgery — ≈ $4,237
  • Mumford procedure — ≈ $6,146
  • Muscle transfer — $0
  • Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) — ≈ $8,931
  • Osteosynthesis — ≈ $8,330
  • Outerbridge-Kashiwagi procedure — ≈ $5,690
  • Percutaneous pinning — ≈ $6,042
  • Plantar fasciitis surgery — ≈ $2,837
  • Radial head excision — ≈ $4,977
  • Radial head fracture surgery — ≈ $7,125
  • Removal of external fixator — ≈ $542
  • Removal of osteosynthetic material — $0
  • Revision Achilles tendon reconstruction — $0
  • Rotator cuff repair — ≈ $6,341
  • SLAP repair surgery — ≈ $13,427
  • Scaphoid pseudarthrosis reconstruction — ≈ $4,305
  • Shoulder arthroscopy — ≈ $8,311
  • Shoulder osteotomy — ≈ $7,176
  • Shoulder stabilisation surgery — ≈ $7,049
  • Shoulder subacromial decompression surgery — ≈ $7,264
  • Sternal fracture treatment — ≈ $5,723
  • Surgical treatment of elbow instability — ≈ $6,637
  • Surgical treatment of non-unions — ≈ $6,855
  • Tailor's bunion surgery — ≈ $3,720
  • Tarsal coalition surgery — $0
  • Tarsal tunnel surgery — ≈ $3,316
  • Tendon repair — ≈ $5,172
  • Tendon transfer — ≈ $5,439
  • Tennis elbow surgery — ≈ $2,622
  • Tenotomy — ≈ $1,948
  • Toe joint arthroscopy — ≈ $10,323
  • Toe shortening surgery — ≈ $2,997
  • Tommy John surgery — ≈ $3,676
  • Total hip replacement (Unilateral) — ≈ $22,479
  • Total knee replacement (Unilateral) — ≈ $20,820
  • Trapeziectomy — ≈ $6,078
  • Trigger finger release — ≈ $2,091
  • Weil osteotomy surgery — ≈ $2,601
  • Wrist arthroscopy — ≈ $6,953
  • Wrist fracture surgery — ≈ $5,771
  • Wrist ligament repair — ≈ $8,008
  • Wrist synovectomy — ≈ $701


  • Breast reconstruction after mastectomy — ≈ $16,701
  • Double preventive mastectomy — ≈ $11,401
  • Hormone therapy for breast cancer — $0
  • Lumpectomy — ≈ $5,353
  • Needle biopsy — ≈ $1,089
  • Nipple and areola reconstruction — ≈ $4,965
  • Partial mastectomy — ≈ $6,983
  • Radical mastectomy — ≈ $16,588
  • Simple mastectomy — ≈ $11,674
  • Subcutaneous mastectomy — ≈ $6,549
  • Surgical breast biopsy — ≈ $3,415
  • TRAM flap breast reconstruction — ≈ $26,709
  • Vacuum-assisted breast biopsy — ≈ $1,688

Prices for selected procedures, total
Vascular surgery
Price, USD
≈ $3,889
≈ $2,036
≈ $1,075
≈ $2,463
≈ $3,954
≈ $5,270
≈ $4,421
≈ $6,491
≈ $4,149
≈ $1,457
≈ $2,060
by request
≈ $981
≈ $1,004
≈ $2,748
≈ $2,774
≈ $4,160
≈ $2,768
≈ $764
≈ $5,224
≈ $5,474
≈ $8,205
≈ $6,527
≈ $5,077
Orthopedic surgery
Price, USD
≈ $7,460
≈ $9,112
≈ $9,389
≈ $6,281
≈ $8,548
≈ $2,673
≈ $12,632
≈ $1,003
by request
≈ $3,212
≈ $2,978
≈ $5,728
≈ $1,251
≈ $5,315
≈ $3,229
≈ $11,161
≈ $6,517
≈ $10,572
≈ $5,098
≈ $2,261
≈ $8,138
≈ $4,233
≈ $3,563
≈ $7,616
≈ $3,355
≈ $2,864
≈ $13,085
≈ $4,415
≈ $6,663
≈ $3,363
≈ $6,334
≈ $3,954
≈ $6,358
≈ $1,323
≈ $4,318
≈ $7,189
≈ $7,838
≈ $4,595
≈ $5,799
≈ $6,735
≈ $9,879
≈ $2,856
≈ $7,799
≈ $4,154
≈ $4,548
≈ $2,743
≈ $6,326
≈ $2,975
≈ $7,204
≈ $3,005
≈ $2,886
≈ $5,516
≈ $7,322
≈ $2,665
≈ $3,673
≈ $1,420
≈ $4,154
≈ $8,500
≈ $5,170
≈ $8,175
≈ $2,118
≈ $13,977
≈ $5,452
≈ $3,363
≈ $3,751
≈ $4,237
≈ $6,146
by request
≈ $8,931
≈ $8,330
≈ $5,690
≈ $6,042
≈ $2,837
≈ $4,977
≈ $7,125
≈ $542
by request
by request
≈ $6,341
≈ $13,427
≈ $4,305
≈ $8,311
≈ $7,176
≈ $7,049
≈ $7,264
≈ $5,723
≈ $6,637
≈ $6,855
≈ $3,720
by request
≈ $3,316
≈ $5,172
≈ $5,439
≈ $2,622
≈ $1,948
≈ $10,323
≈ $2,997
≈ $3,676
≈ $22,479
≈ $20,820
≈ $6,078
≈ $2,091
≈ $2,601
≈ $6,953
≈ $5,771
≈ $8,008
≈ $701
Price, USD
≈ $16,701
≈ $11,401
by request
≈ $5,353
≈ $1,089
≈ $4,965
≈ $6,983
≈ $16,588
≈ $11,674
≈ $6,549
≈ $3,415
≈ $26,709
≈ $1,688
Overall rating: 5
June 02, 2022
I recently had a small operation with general anesthesia here and I am completely satisfied with this hospital! The hospital staff is really very friendly, helpful and also funny, it's still a lot of fun here, many thanks to the surgical staff, ward C😊. The room was absolutely clean and the bed was surprisingly comfortable. The operation itself went smoothly, I had absolutely no pain afterwards and I didn't feel sick either. I would love to come back to this hospital 👍
Overall rating: 5
December 21, 2022
Went to the KH Güssing today without an appointment. Was warmly welcomed by the porter and came to a very competent, friendly, humorous doctor with very helpful DGKPs. During the X-ray, my positive impression was reinforced, I was treated quickly and very friendly. I am completely satisfied, can only recommend this hospital. Keep it up!
Overall rating: 5
January 16, 2023
I had an operation with sedation at the day clinic of the internal outpatient clinic. Kudos to the entire staff for their competence and empathy. You feel that you are in good hands and humor is also the order of the day. Whether senior doctor or nursing staff - all employees who do their work excellently.. It's still "human" here!
Grazer Straße 15 Güssing, Austria
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Flight Tickets
One way
1 adult
No children
Tue, 04/23
Direct flight $0.00
Indirect flight $0.00
Tue, 04/30
Direct flight $0.00
Indirect flight $0.00
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